Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> Voter Turnout by Race <br /> 21471 African <br /> 120 r American/Black <br /> Ix770 ■American Indian <br /> 6,707 11,659 <br /> 3,769 Asian <br /> Multiracial <br /> •Other <br /> 52,150 <br /> 7 ■Undeclared <br /> •White <br /> Voter Turnout by Gender <br /> 2,809 <br /> Female <br /> 28,893 Male <br /> 35,944 <br /> Undeclared <br /> Voter Turnout by <br /> Ethnicity <br /> 1,620 <br /> Hispanic/Latino <br /> 13,352 <br /> Not <br /> Hispanic/Latino <br /> 52,674 Undeclared <br /> • 371 provisional ballots were cast. Of those, the Board of Elections: <br /> - Fully approved 124 <br /> - Partially approved 5 <br /> - Did not approve 242 <br /> * No record of registration and previously removed due to registration activity in <br /> another county or state made up the bulk of provisional ballots the Board did not <br /> approve. <br />