Agenda - 05-17-2005-5y
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-17-2005
Agenda - 05-17-2005-5y
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8/29/2008 9:34:42 PM
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8/29/2008 10:23:55 AM
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Ut•ange Count', \C School ;ldcyuute Public Facilities Ordinance <br />i\'iROllUC'I°iU\ <br />The Sdutnls Adequate Public Faciiiiies C)rdinancernii its A4emorandum <ai <br />[.~iid CYSt2ttdin~ arC Ufdl ^tlnL'eti aittl a~re6inc'Iti S. I::SpCCiYt'Cty.. Sitpporlmg doCUntett[S arC <br />anticipated to be dynamic to incorporate the annual changing conditions of ntemhership, capacit~° <br />and studem nmjeaions that may afieet School Capital Ln~esunent Plan (CiP) timing- TiYis <br />fot'ntal 2tunlal report +vill he Ibrthcoming to ai] of tl?c Schools .~deyuate Nublic P2ciLtics <br />Ordinance partners each year as ttew inCointation is 2t ailablc. <br />Iles updated information is used in rite schools capital needs process ol'ihe Capitat <br />Im esiment Ptan (Process 1) and n`ithin eiemer•ts of the Schools Adeyua[e Public l~acilitics <br />Ordinance Cenifieate oCAdequate Public Schools (C':\PS) spreadsheet system (Process 2). <br />This report and any connnents from the Schools .~dequaty' Public Facilities Urdinancc <br />parmers will be considered in dtt: !first half of each year by the Board of County Commissioners <br />at 2 regttIar or special meeting. the ~~arious elements Of the report arc then "certifier." 2nd <br />fornr~lh~ considered in the process of the ttncomil?~ <.'anital Invesunent Plan. I'1YC (:crtiiica[e of <br />~.dCgUaiC PCIb1YC SC110015 SVStcitt IS Upd2tcd ~`fiei' ~Obelt?bCt' 1 ] \p}1Cn dala 1S ieCelVed troYn the <br />school districts n'ith actual ntemhership and pra•certilicd capacity (i.e. C1P capacity or poor <br />,joint action" capacity changes) <br />Ilse Schools :\deyuate Public Facilities Ordinance and vfemorandunt of lJndcrstandins <br />hare dyn2mir aspects Thm dem•ation of du baseline and update to rite varableswiil contirtic in <br />iht: fUitirC 2. 3 ~`arlely' of SCh001 t'Cia[Cd IS5[lG5 [•Yre itP.e-illP.ed b1` 1rCTim C21 [l ild pOhCV ;7 ro UpS. <br />the primary facet of [his rcpot2 ttteludes the. creation of ntathentatical projections for <br />student memberships by school ic~•els 1.'F.~lentent2n•, A4iddle anti High) and by School T~ist~ facts <br />(Chapel Hill%C'2rrboru attd Onnige Cbunn~'), This inforntatiim is found in Section 11, Subsections <br />B. C. D.•ard F. <br />In sunmtary; this repon scrt'cs as an ltpdare to rite dynamic conditions of school <br />membership school capaciiy, and housing derclopment, ~.~ ilich e!Tects (attire proiections. as vweit <br />as. Capital Tm~estmcut Planning- <br />Tnterested parties may mate their cote:rents know: n to the Board of County <br />C'omrnissirn?crs prior to their reeler: of [hr roper and school CTT' cornpletton. <br />In <br />
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