Orange County NC Website
(2i)OS 1'szcutive Stnntnary continues} <br />SCHOnL, ADEQIa:~TE I'I'BLIC; FACII_I't'IIS OI2llINA~C1 STAT[.`S <br />(based em ftuure year Suuiznt \izmbzrshin Projections] <br />1 ]lc i0110~~'ing 111IOrn7atlQlt [ClatCS t0 eSi.1111_°_ SCh001 CCrittled CapaClttCS and IS ilUt rala[ed t0 P.CU' <br />le- islztion front DYl (Ueuartment otYubL'C ittsmtctior.) aflcctinc elementary schools. <br />CII.IPGL I!/L!./CARRBURU SC:IIODL DISTRICT <br />1:Icmentan School District <br />A. Does not currently execCil lU~°~ LOS standards (current LOS is 96.~1R~a). <br />13. DccrrasC in the increase of the ~~ro~rth ratz at this lzvzl over the nzxi lU years. <br />C:.. C}tancl Hill?Cartboro Flemzntary School =1U should be scheduled fora 2009-! U oncnini <br />diddle School Disfrict <br />A Rocs not currently exceed l07°,b LOS standards (current LOS is 90. t °6) <br />B DCCrcase in the increase of the ;-rowth rite at thin Icve] over dtc Heal lU }ears <br />C. Chapel Hi1L'Carrboro Zliddle Schoo( _~ would lil:zh' be projected for 2013-1z versus tirz <br />prior yzar projectiat of'?OU9-t0 <br />High School District <br />~. C'unzrnly zxczeds the 1 IU"io L(.>S standard (current T:OS is 7 1.2,5`%), but \letnorandutn cif <br />l:ndztsanding (A•1OU) suspended [he Certificate Adequate Public Schools (C;1PS) <br />adeouacv test at this level so (-:\PS mae• still he issuer.. <br />B. Dzcrzasz in the increase of the urowth ratz at this level ovzr the next 1 U ~,~ears- <br />C Chapel 11ilUCarrboro 1-filth School =3 is still nzzdzd as soon as possible kith current <br />construction schzdule Cstitnates aI 3006-2007 but with a likely change to 2Up7-20Di;. <br />OR:aA'Gt (.'OC.~~'TYSG'IIUOLDISTRICT <br />Elcmentarr Scliooi District <br />\_ Does not currently zxezed 1US:b Lq5 standard (current LOS is "t9.0`%). <br />B. Increase in dtz increase of the erowth rate :tt this Ievzl ovzt the next 10 wars,. <br />C". Does not •aftzct or prompt C1P activity in l U-czar timzfiamc. <br />Middle School District <br />.4 Presently ai IU5.7°in LOS which zxczzds ll)7"L LOS standard but Memorandum oi' <br />l'nderstanding (h4OU) susnended thz C`zt ~ificate Adcgttme Public Schools (C'APS) <br />adzquacy test at ibis level until Oranue County Schoo] District (()C:SD} 1•iisdie School <br />ovens so CAPS ntai~ still be sued. <br />l3. hureasz in the increase of the rtrowth ratz at this level over rite nest ] 0 years. <br />C OCSi) \gidd(z School r3 is still needzs as soon as possible with construction scitzrulz <br />estimates at 200G-2U0?- <br />High Schonl District <br />A. i:)ocs ^Oi Currently exceed 11(?".,n L.OS I Curreni LOS is S t, 7°0). <br />B. I)elrei.;e !It i11C nler'CaSC O(ihe Ert~~C[it 1'aie ::i i1tt5 1B\'cl O~'CC the 172X1 l t) V2ar5. <br />C'. Doss not ai feet or prompt C'iE' activity in 10-year time frame. - <br />