Orange County NC Website
.)v Ci?Oii ~~% <br />ti. Schools ..<~dequate Public Facilities Ordinance <br />C'erti~cate ot':Adequate Public Schools (CAPS) <br />Update (Process 2) <br />I'imeframc: TI?c CAPS system is updated approximately November 1> of each ~-ear when dte <br />school districts report actual membership and `nm-ecrificd' capacity, whether it is C1P <br />associated or prior `joint action' a_reement. '!Dint action' determinations of changes in capacity <br />due to State rules or other non-constntction related lien?s arc anticipated to he done prior to the <br />November I? capacity' an<I membership reporting date. This update may retlect the F3oard of <br />Counts' C'ommissioncrs action on the earlier year Capital Ln'esnnznt Flan (CIP) as it af;ects <br />capacity and addition of new actual fall membership ! he Schools Adequate Public Facilities <br />Ordinance Ccrtific2.te of Adequate Public Schools (CAPS) stays in effect until the follot;'inv year <br />- (c._,; \oven?ber I5, 20(kt to November 14, 'OOS). <br />Neu' development is oti~inally lo~~cd for a ce: gain year. As the CAPS system is updated, each <br />CAPS projection year is `absorbed' he the acnrrl csitt~atc of a given year L[ucr year C:1PS <br />projectiors of tho SamC development remain in tho lutttre year CAPS system accordingly For <br />exarnpic, if a iQ•(ot subdivision is issued a CAPS. I5 lots may be assigned to "Year i," 10 lots to <br />.:fear 2," 10 lots to "Year 3," 1O lots to "Yeaar A,'~ and ~ tots to "Year 5-" tiVhen "fear !" is <br />updaicd, tl?c students generated Gom tl?c 1> lo-s arc absorbed by the actual cstitrate. ~ he <br />sna9etns ,'enerated in "Years 3, 3, A, and ~" are Geld in the CAPS system and acttled to the <br />appropriate }'car lvhen the C•~P$ systcrrt is updated, <br />Please note that the nvo processes (CTP and C:1PS) arc on separate bu[ paral lel tracks.. Howcc•cr, <br />the CIP does create a crossover ofcapacity information behveen the two processes. Por <br />cxampie, dte Schools APFO system for both school districts tha[ will be established initiated <br />ccri?Icd cacl? year in November and is based oa prior }ear created and i or planned CIP capacit}' <br />and cunetn school year membership "I`he S ~?PFOT:yC repon utcluding new current year <br />nrembershia and projections are to be used t'or oncoming CIP deveiopntcnt as nntect in Process l <br />;7 <br />