Orange County NC Website
S'eL'?IJii / <br />tOIiOV.'S: <br />2003: increase of 619 at Rashkis Elentettiar}' <br />200=1: Ao chanacs at Llemantar~-. ii~(iddie. or <br />rii2h School levels. <br />iO~IOR'S. <br />2003: \o ttet increase in capacity' ai <br />Eletnenrtry ictcl. No changes au ;~iiddic <br />School level. Increase of 1.000~~t C'etiar ?Zid~_=e <br />Nish School,. <br />?004: \o net iucrrasc in capacity at <br />Elementary° level, No changes at :Middle or <br />Hieh School levels. <br />~. Analts•is ufEsistirrg Cnnditinrrs <br />C.'hapcl !Till Carrboro School District <br />The Schools Facilities 'Task Force developed <br />a systcnt to calculate capacity. Atty chat+.vcs <br />}'car to year n•ill Ete monhot'ed, retie+eed, and <br />recorded by the SAPFOTAC nn approved <br />fomts distributed io SAPFO partners and <br />:lrruli'srs ufE.rrstirrg Cnrrdilinns <br />Orange County° School District <br />The- Schools Facilities "l ask Force developed a <br />system m calcutatc capacity :lny changes <br />Fear to year will he monitored, rovicr:cd, and <br />rernrded b}'the SAPFOT.4C on approved <br />f~xins distributed to SAi'FO partners and <br />ceritied upon approval by the Board o? certified upon anpraval by the Board o#' <br />Counn• Contntissioners each year. Connn f.'ummissioners each vcar.. <br />17-:e requested 2Q0-.j canxcity is notes on Ii?e .*equzsted 20f14-5 canzciro is notzd on <br />,~trzchmcnl l.B.G Attachment 1.13..3 <br />Ytease note that the infortaatiou contained in This report relates to cxlstinti school certified <br />capacities and is not related to Wert legislation from DPT (llepartment of Public ]astruction) <br />affertiu„ elementary schools. Any capacity chaa~es related to DYl legislation +vill rcyuire <br />reronyening of a School Facilities Task Force Type of group that can act as a dnint .~ ction <br />Commitfcc, <br />~. Xeeunuuerrrlatiorr - Vo C'han~e at this <br />time <br />:titter input tram $APFO partners and <br />comments tratt auihorize;d Task 1'orecs, the <br />Xecarurrenrlatinn- \`o Citna„e at this time <br />Aitcr input from SAfhQ parutcrs and <br />comments t"rant autharired `Task FCIrCC6, the <br />Board ofCounty f'otnntissiortcrs would render <br />3 <br />