Orange County NC Website
.Sc C:i071 / <br />B. Building C:~pacitS~ <br />1 " ResPnnsihle T:ntita~ fiu•.Suggestiug C/range - Thz Planning t)iteclors, School <br />R,eprescntatit°cs, Technical :Adti-icon" Committez (S:~PFOT.IC:) ~~~ill reczi=:z requz;tz<1 <br />changes that are C]Y related 2nd atioptcd i ~ dte prior year.. CIP capacity chan«s v. ii] b;r <br />undated along with actual mzmberslti]> rzcziz•zd itt \oi•cmbcr of each tc2r. <br />0[hzr changes t~•ill be sent to a'Joint fiction Conunitted of the BOCC and Board of <br />Education, as noted in the il-SOU, t3S10 t=: i11 stake recommendations and tonsure chant/°es <br />(on the spccilic forms n itl? justification} io ins full Board of County Commissionzrs for <br />rzeiztc and action. Thesz non-CiP changes t3'ould be updated in the upcoming \orzmber <br />C:1PS sysicm rccalibrntion 'and indudeci in thz S.4PF01'AC: repot. <br />2. Defi»r71fn77^ ••1•or pllfpoSt'.5 qi ih!S ~IC!ItOra!tGC1IIl, 'building capacity" <<: ill bz dztzrntined <br />b~~ reference to State suidelines and [itz School District ~uidelincs (cousistcnt «ith CIP <br />School Construction Guidelittes`policies deacloped by the School District and thz Board <br />of Count)' Coamtissioners} and t~'il] be dcterntinzd hya joint action of the School Board <br />and the Orange Courtly Boars? of Cotnt;tissio!1ers. As used hcrcin the tens "buikiin, <br />CapaCliy° refers to permanent buitdtn TS 1'IOI1112 CIa55r09r11S and OfI1C!' LCt7lpOral')' SitldC[ti <br />;!ccommodating classroom spaces arc nui nent!ancnt buildings and slay not i~z counted in <br />dztzrmining the school districts buildln•_ e•~~pacity." <br />3. .Stmrdru•rf fnr: .Standard fnr: <br />Chapel Hill Carrbm°n School District Orau~e County School District <br />Tile ori_=loaf certited capacity for each of the <br />schools; certified by the respccti~ o <br />supcrinicndcnt and incorftorated in thz <br />The original certified capacit}~ for e, dt o? the <br />schools t;'as eertilietl by the resp€cticz <br />supcrintcndcnt and incorporatzd in ihv' <br />initialization of thz CAPS system (Ch2pc! Hil] initialization of the CAP5 system (Orargc <br />Catrboro School District :1pri1 29= 20±?2 - County School District ;',pril ~0, 240' - Baszj <br />Base} IScc ~lrac]?meat T B- 2} <br />(~a11aCt!C Cil2[l sec lVC!"L' I1ladC CSCh year' k!> <br />(Sec Aiiachmcnt i B. l } <br />Cao2city changes were made zach Fear a, <br /> <br />