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4 <br /> <br />discretion. He said at that time, the BOCC passed a resolution honoring the Judge, and he <br />would like a resolution in the near future to rescind that previous resolution. <br /> <br />4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> <br />a. Resolution Retiring Canine Lacey and Transferring Her to Former K9 Handler <br />The Board considered voting to approve and authorize the Chair to sign a resolution <br />retiring canine Lacey and transferring her to former K9 Handler Malcolm Hester. <br /> <br />BACKGROUND: <br />The Orange County Sheriff’s Office acquired canine Lacey in February 2015. Lacey was <br />assigned to former Sheriff’s Office Deputy Malcolm Hester who trained her. Lacey served f or <br />over three years as Hester’s canine partner, conducting searches, rescues, and tracking lost <br />individuals and suspects. Due to the age of the canine and inconsistent reliability, the Sheriff’s <br />Office will retire Lacey from service and intends to transfer her to her former K9 handler, <br />Malcolm Hester. North Carolina General Statutes §§ 153A-176, 160A-265, and 160A-266 <br />authorize the County to dispose of any personal property belonging to it according to the <br />procedures described in Chapter 160A, Article 12. <br /> <br />Sheriff Blackwood said Lacey was brought on with Cagney, another Bloodhound, and <br />served her position faithfully. He said she is a wonderful dog, who has been greatly loved by <br />the Department. <br />Malcolm Hester (the handler) said he worked with Lacey for four years, and they worked <br />well and formed a bond that is like no other. <br />Commissioner Burroughs read the resolution: <br /> <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />RESOLUTION RETIRING CANINE LACEY <br />AND TRANSFERRING HER TO FORMER K9 HANDLER CPL MALCOLM HESTER <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office shall retire police canine Lacey, a bloodhound <br />previously used for conducting searches, rescues, and tracking, effective November 13, 2018; <br />and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Lacey is personal property of the County and is no longer of use or value to <br />Orange County and the Sheriff’s Office from this date forth; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Malcolm Hester, previously with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, bonded with <br />and worked with the canine from the time of her acquisition as a puppy in February 2015; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Malcolm Hester is willing and able to provide immediate care for Lacey; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Malcolm Hester will adopt and take full responsibility for Lacey until such time as <br />the canine is no longer living, relieving Orange County and the Orange County Sheriff’s Office <br />of all obligations and responsibilities of the canine in accordance with the provisions of this <br />Resolution; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Malcolm Hester is not being coerced, forced, or inappropriately encouraged by <br />Orange County or the Orange County Sheriff’s Office to adopt this canine; and <br />