Orange County NC Website
<br />Introduction <br />The Lands Legacy Program was adopted by Orange County in April 2000, Administered <br />by the Environment and Resource Conservation Department (ERCD), the program's mission <br />is to help protect the county's most important natural and cultural resource lands before <br />they are damaged or lost to incompatible development activities, The program is guided by <br />an Action P/an developed by ERCD and adopted by the Board of Commissioners. The <br />biannual Action Plan guides Lands Legacy acquisitions and protection for the specified years. <br />The process of developing the Action Plan begins with staff identifying potential projects <br />and asking for initial guidance. Staff then meets with advisory boards for their input an <br />development of priorities for the upcoming years. Using the advisory board <br />recommendations, adraft Plan is prepared far distribution to the Board of Commissioners at <br />their annual goal-setting retreat, The Action Plan is finalized with the CIP process, <br />The following is a draft Action Plan for the fiscal years 2004-2006. The plan incorporates <br />comments from four advisory boards, coupled with the continuation and completion of goals <br />and objectives from the previous action plan. The draft Action Plan contains goals, a <br />summary of advisory board comments, specific action objectives, and a priority list of land <br />acquisition and protection projects for the coming two years. Also attached is brief <br />Performance Report for the first four years of the Lands Legacy Program (2000-2004). <br />to continue to pursue grant funding for County projects are <br />1. Upper Eno and Upper New Hope Riparian Buffers: Continue to protect riparian <br />buffers in the Upper Eno River watershed critical area (including additions to Seven <br />Mile Creek Preserve) and the Upper New Hape Creek watershed. <br />2. Halls Mill Historic Area: Acquire conservation easements to protect properties with <br />historic structures and archaeological sites in the Halls Mill area. <br />3. Agricultural Conservation Easements: Work with willing sellers (and partner <br />entities) to acquire agricultural conservation easements in priority watersheds, in <br />conjunction with the federal Farm and Ranch Land Protection Program. <br />4, New Park Sites: Identify locations for potential land acquisition to establish <br />community parks in the White Crass area (Bingham Township) and in north-central <br />Orange County-- the last remaining parks identified in the 1988 Master Recreation and <br />Parks Plan. Reassess specific park needs for the north-central region given the current <br />park development plans for the county's Northern Center Park (Cedar Grove <br />Township) and the new Little River Regional Park (Little River Township). <br />For the period Ju/y 1, 2004 -June 30, 2006 <br />