Orange County NC Website
itPR-11-2005 t: :OS rtM S&WPROnUCT [OFIS 9t9 556 0026 (/n <br />Y <br />DEPARTMENT t?F Jt1STICE <br />Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, <br />Firearms and Explosives <br />---- - '-J drianm. Oraglu TOTJ!-!IT! <br />February 17,2005 <br />Shearon, William R lr <br />5&W Productions 901020;LMVlLJW <br />Po Dox l 10.) 5340 <br />Youngsville, NC 2759E-0000 File Number. I-Ntr12393 <br />eremiscs Addreas• 129 Beech Cove, Youngsvllle, VC 21596-0000 <br />Dear Sir/Madam: <br />This letter acknowledges receipt of your timely application to renew your Federal explosives <br />license/permit (I-NC-12393) as a User Of L,ow Explosives, The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, <br />Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is not able to process your application prior to the expiration <br />daft of your ilcense/permit, However, Federal law allows you to continue operations under your <br />current license/pem»t until such time as AT'F completes processing your application, See 5 <br />U.S,C, § SSg. This letter, or as explained below, afollow-up letter, will serve as your <br />license/permit until we complete action on your renewal, It is referred to as a Letter of <br />Authorization (L.OA), <br />Since we have not completed processing your application, you ntay supply a copy of this letter to <br />other licensees/pennittees, c.g., your distributors, for the next six months (or until we complete <br />action on your renewal, if that "occurs in less than six months) as evidence of your <br />licensed/permitted status. If we have not completed processing yotir application for renewal <br />within six months of the date of this letter, we will send`yoo another letter, which will also be <br />valid for six months (or usttil we complete action on your renewal, if that occurs in leas than six <br />months). This is of course contingent upon your remaining entitled to continue operations under <br />your cuttent license/permit. <br />Ylea a direct yucstions or concerns regarding this letter to Esther Stovall at (404)417-27259. <br />Sincerely. <br />C~.~~ ~'Jr~ Vhh.rxl..~""`"" <br />Chief, Federal Explosives Licensing Center <br />ATF web address: www elf eov <br />