Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> 1 Travis Myren said the number of vouchers is dictated by the amount of money available. <br /> 2 He said very low income residents are being targeted, thus assuming a 100% subsidy. He said <br /> 3 the County could choose to target people at 60% of the average median income, which would <br /> 4 allow more people to be served, but would be people with less need. <br /> 5 Sherrill Hampton referred to rental assistance (page 2), and said the monthly assistance <br /> 6 is dependent on a family's income, and no family will pay more than 30% of their monthly- <br /> 7 adjusted income. She said there is flexibility with this, and the term of the rental assistance is <br /> 8 for one year. She said families would be recertified on an annual basis, as is consistent with <br /> 9 the federally funding housing choice voucher program. <br /> 10 Commissioner Price asked if there is a process in place for the security deposit when a <br /> 11 renter moves out of the County prior to the 12-month time period. <br /> 12 Sherrill Hampton said the deposit would come back to them. <br /> 13 Javon Holley explained the residency eligibility policy on page 3 of the PowerPoint <br /> 14 presentation, as well as the application process. <br /> 15 Sherrill Hampton said a limited time window for applying was chosen because there are <br /> 16 a limited number of vouchers: only 15. She said staff wanted to manage the number of <br /> 17 applications, and thus shorten the period for applications. She said the processing of <br /> 18 applications is labor intensive. <br /> 19 Javon Holley said it will take about 60-90 days to determine eligibility of an applicant, <br /> 20 and to do so, they will ask for proof of age, homelessness, or domestic violence. <br /> 21 Commissioner Price referred to the requirement that an applicant must meet necessary <br /> 22 criteria as determined by a professional licensed by the state, and asked if the licensed <br /> 23 professional can only be from North Carolina. <br /> 24 Sherrill Hampton said this program is only for Orange County residents, and staff would <br /> 25 like to see certification by a professional in the local area; however, if one has moved to the <br /> 26 area and has certification from out of state, that would also be acceptable. <br /> 27 Javon Holley said an out of state certification would be acceptable, as long as the <br /> 28 person is not living in Orange County. <br /> 29 Javon Holley referred back to the question of occupancy standards, and said the <br /> 30 program is flexible, and will allow for staff to ensure that the resident is matched with correctly <br /> 31 sized housing. <br /> 32 Sherrill Hampton said the federal program is not as flexible, and sometimes one with a <br /> 33 one-bedroom voucher is placed in a two-bedroom unit, and when the rent is raised, the voucher <br /> 34 is insufficient to cover the cost. She said the local program should be able to address this <br /> 35 problem. <br /> 36 Javon Holley referred to slide 6 on tenant selection, which will be prioritized by <br /> 37 application date and time, after other prioritization factors mentioned earlier, are also weighed. <br /> 38 Sherrill Hampton said residents on the current federal waiting list can still apply for the <br /> 39 Orange County voucher, but they must remain on the federal listing. She said there are 771 <br /> 40 individuals on the federal waiting list. <br /> 41 Sherrill Hampton referred to slide 7 on criminal background, and staff will follow federal <br /> 42 guidelines on completing criminal and sex offender background checks on all persons in the <br /> 43 program. She said if a person needs to be denied because of a background check, staff will <br /> 44 notify them in writing. She reviewed the other reasons that one may be denied for the program. <br /> 45 Sherrill Hampton referred to slide 8, noting that all residents must pay rent of$50, and <br /> 46 staff will employ rent reasonableness. She said all financials will be carefully reviewed to <br /> 47 ensure this. <br /> 48 Sherrill Hampton said these vouchers are not portable, and residents will be allowed one <br /> 49 move per year. She said rent increases will only be accepted every other year. She said if a <br />