Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:9F461F1C-C86C-42DC-B78C-50FC18D204DF <br /> EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br /> has been the voice for people with I/DD in United States. The 1950s were a time when most children <br /> with disabilities were ignored by society, and often institutionalized. Parents of these special kids got <br /> organized, formed The Arc in our area and began advocating to keep their children at home, send them <br /> to school, and to educate the community about what it means to have a disability. Arc families also took <br /> the lead on developing advocacy and awareness while supporting their own loved ones. Thus was born <br /> the largest grassroots movement to promote the rights of people with I/DD. <br /> Yet we still have a long way to go. In 2017 people still use the "R" word and think it is acceptable to <br /> bully and make fun of people with I/DD. Kids with special needs are not encouraged to socialize with <br /> their typical peers. It is still uncommon for an adult with I/DD to held a regular job, use public <br /> transportation and choose their activities. At The Arc we provide necessary supports so our participants <br /> can access their community and be active members of society. Everything we do is community based. <br /> Promoting inclusion wherever we can. <br /> The community programs of The Arc are an example of a community coming together: our participants, <br /> staff, volunteers, and community partners demonstrating a passion and sometimes empathy for our <br /> mission so we see the person, not the disability. <br /> j) Describe what would happen if requested funding is not awarded at all or if a reduced <br /> allocation is recommended. <br /> It has been shown that people live longer and have happier lives when they have friendships, good <br /> nutrition and exercise, purpose in their life, and social capital. When people lead isolated and lonely <br /> lives their health suffers and they are prone to more emergency room visits and costly medical care. <br /> The Arc believes in using our programs to proactively help people with I/DD lead happy, productive <br /> lives, so in the long run an ounce of prevention is worth more (and costs much less) than a pound of <br /> cure. If the requested funding amount is reduced or not awarded, we will not be able to serve as many <br /> people with these programs. <br /> k)What percentage of your target population is low-moderate income? 25% <br /> 1) What efforts do you make to seek feedback about your program from your target population <br /> (e.g. survey, evaluations, etc.?) The Arc of the Triangle is a membership organization. Our members <br /> are invited to participate in our Annual Meeting, vote for our board of directors, participate in By-Law <br /> revisions and join committees (Program, Development, and Finance). The Arc sends out annual <br /> surveys to participants/families, volunteers and staff to collect data to ensure we offer quality <br /> programming and make changes as necessary. <br /> m) Include any other pertinent information. <br /> _ <br /> II <br /> ` - individual Services <br /> Triangle Self-Advocacy Network! <br /> HOPE Gardens L <br /> ` <br /> Arc HOOPS ( t F <br /> Cooking St Nutrition Class <br /> 3 <br /> Petals with a Purpose Community Connections Supported Employment <br /> PROGRAM INFORMATION 1/20/2018 3:58:40 PM Page 17 of 24 <br />