2017-012 EMS - Town of Chapel Hill Hamilton Road substation
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2017-012 EMS - Town of Chapel Hill Hamilton Road substation
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Last modified
11/21/2018 1:42:54 PM
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11/21/2018 1:40:54 PM
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MEMORANDUM <br /> TO: PROJECT FILE - THE STATION AT EAST 54 (DEMOLITION OF EXISTING TOWN OF CHAPEL <br /> HIIb FIRE STATION#2) �/-�� <br /> FROM: JEFF SCOUTEN, ORANGE COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEmnnc-�I� <br /> SUBJECT: DECONSTRUCTION ASSESSMENT-FIRE STATION#20003 HAMILTON RD.,CHAPEL HILL) <br /> DATE: DECEMBER 39,2016 <br /> A deconstruction assessment was conducted today at 2:00 p.m. by me on site at the subject Town of <br /> Chapel Hill Fire Station #2 which is to be demolished (and a new station built) as part of the STATION <br /> AT EAST 54 project by East West Partners. <br /> Also in attendance were Assistant Fire Chief Matt Lawrence and Bill Wiggins who is the Project <br /> Manager (PM) with the general contractor, Barnhill Construction. <br /> It was noted at the assessment that the structure consists of cinder block (CMU) exterior and interior walls <br /> built on a concrete slab foundation so there aren't any wooden or metal stud walls to be deconstructed for <br /> salvage. The PM also stated that there are asbestos containing materials (ACM's) in the floor covering <br /> under the carpet and possibly in plaster attached to interior walls and metal door frames which would <br /> preclude them from reuse. <br /> I pointed out to Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Wiggins the fairly sizable amount of metal which must be recycled <br /> and which consisted of HVAC ductwork & air handling units, buck bay doors and tracks, steel roof <br /> support beams, aluminum cladding/fascia board around the outside perimeter of the building, aluminum <br /> gutters & downspouts, and electrical conduit piping attached to the inside and outside of the building. <br /> Salvageable items consisting of kitchen appliances (stoves, refrigerators), employee beds and metal <br /> lockers are to be removed by the CH Fire Department and re-used in the new fire station. <br /> There are some kitchen cabinets that could be salvaged for reuse and Mr. Lawrence has reached out to the <br /> Orange County Habitat for Humanity deconstruction coordinator to see if they have any interest in <br /> removing those. <br /> The GC (Barnhill) has contracted with an OCS W Licensed Hauler (Lloyd Grading and Utilities) to do <br /> the building demolition and who will source separate the aforementioned scrap metal which will then be <br /> taken to market for recycling. Mr. Wiggins informed me that the demolition of the building will not start <br /> until after the asbestos has been removed and that he would let me know when that is so I can go by to <br /> observe the source separation of the metal. <br /> Mr. Wiggins informed me that he completed the Recyclable Materials Permit (RM Permit) for the <br /> demolition permit this morning at the same time as the demolition permit. I asked Mr. Lawrence to <br /> remind the Town's Building Inspection/Permits staff to send the RM permit (for the demolition permit)to <br /> me to review and approve in accordance with the RRMO Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) <br /> between the Town and Orange County (dated 0624/2008). <br /> As mentioned above, OCSW enforcement staff will inspect the site over the course of the demolition to <br /> ensure that the regulated materials (scrap metal) are recycled pursuant to the RRMO. <br /> A completed DECONSTRUCTION ASSESSMENT FORM will be attached tb this document as pmt of <br /> the record. <br />
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