Orange County NC Website
to <br />1. Introduction <br />During the informal input process, eight public township meetings were conducted <br />throughout the county, where Planning Staff presented its ideas and then fielded <br />questions and comments from citizens. Planning staff also distributed a survey at the <br />conclusion of each township meeting to gauge the most important development - related <br />issues to county residents and received requests for zoning amendments. Staff has <br />prepared answers to these fielded questions and tabulated results from the survey; both <br />of these items are presented in this outreach summary, along with a response to the <br />zoning amendment requests. This document concludes with an official response to the <br />citizen input collected during the informal outreach process. <br />Citizens will have an additional opportunity to provide formal input during a public <br />hearing with County Commissioners later this year. This opportunity for formal public <br />input will last until the Planning Board has made its recommendation and the LUE is <br />brought back to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration. <br />I -C -2 <br />