Orange County NC Website
'4i ~ °~ <br />226 S. Chur`on Sfi., Hilisboroug h, NC 27278 <br />(919) 732-6262 Fox (919) 644-1177 <br />si?ve~s'c r,l~ndsurv <br />April 5, 2004 <br />Mr. Robert Davis <br />Orange County Planning Department <br />306 F Revere Road <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Deaz Mr. Davis: <br />Davi-Net, located along Highway 10 to the intersection of Mt. Herman Church Road is being developed in <br />conformity with the existing lots and homesites in the area. <br />This flexible development plan implements some of Orange County's vazied goals by maintaining the rural <br />wooded chazacter of these two collector roads and by buffering the only identifiable drainage feature on the <br />site. <br />The open space, to be owned by an incorporated Homeowner's Association, heavily buffers Mt Hermon <br />Church Road on both the north and south sides of Highway 10. This heavy buffering continues west and <br />upon reaching the homesites, surrounds the neighborhood with afifty-foot continuous wooded buffer <br />providing visual separation between this property and the adjoining properties. The effect of these buffers <br />is further enhanced by clustering houses in groups of four, which expands the visual open space in the core <br />of the subdivision. <br />Given the narrowness of this tract along Highway 10, we feel that this design maximizes the benefits of the <br />open space to both the neighborhood and the public driving past the site. We hope you will agree that we <br />have met the requirements set forth in the flexible development open space provisions. <br />Sincerely, <br />Steve F. Yuhasz <br />P.L.S. <br />