Orange County NC Website
\\q\\\\\ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />e~ ew : ~,. c c,r,~ t <<..,~~3 <br />z ~: <br />1<k \tiF4H t. I.LUI 6C*(:4N <br />+w,t,: ui. eia <br /> <br />Cc>unty oY C?range <br />Department of l~'urchasing and Central `v~r~ ices <br />Post C)f£ice Th~x n18Y <br />T I illst?c,rt•i?{t?:h. '~C 2lZi 5 <br />1'T"I1i: Ms. C'amela K. (cans, (7irectc>r <br />3 <br />,,, RE: Orange County Parks f~peration Base and Storage hacility <br />1{illsborough, North CaraTina <br />i ,~ ~z~ vcttis. to va~,ai.t PROPOSr1h FC7R PROEESSICSNAL T3ESIGN SERVICES <br />~,~>xr iti~ ;.. , iu ~ r,;f;,h, ,~,~ Dear 'yds. (cx~es: <br />~~~tin~3. ratinae, a<a Coney Rcdfirot .Lack, Inc, is pleased to stihmrt tr~ you our fee proposal to <br />~~ provide design se~t~it~us for tTae ~it~ove-re~ferez~ccd project. lVe TooA ft~rward to <br />~~,aa-. ~, ~r--~<r working with v«u inn t}7is very inpor#mrt pro}ect £or C"?ra~~ge Count'. <br />~sv of i. <.,,,,, The proposal is based ein c>ur undei-tan~Iulg of th<~ prt?jeret from inforrsiatius~ <br />gathered at a staf#' meeting held tin ~~ug~st 4, 2(R}-I subSeclu~nxt #elc~~~ho~1e <br />cc~m~ersatit~ns d~~ith c°ou and Paul Inames, C~ous~ty l~:ng~ineea~, a ~neehng with <br />Lori Taft, Recreation and Parksllanagement Director on a 1~isit to her <br />department's leased facility, aaxi from a conyer5aticm with Ltargarti~t tlaith of <br />the'Te>wn ~~f Hiilshcu~c+ugh's I'Iamiing Deparkment rc~gari#i~ig the appn>v47; <br />process fc+r this proj~ct. <br />It is t>ur understaclclmg that tl3e proposed Facility i~ i11 be k~c'ated ~x1 an <br />undeveloped ps`ec:e of property within tlrc existing C~rai~ge County 1'uh.ic 6lorks <br /><~~:. ti :, ~. ~ lacilit}~ and that ti~elrieular aaess will be proti~icted d7rectly off ok the pati~ed <br />service road that Connects 1C' gfi to the Puhlic 1\~`nrk5 situ, tVr~ understand thaf <br />no road improaeulents or 1it`I7C)T approials are reyuixod. In additrun, it is our <br />~. ,i ~~,. ~~ ., .z>>, <br />understanding that the existuig utiiitics ~3r~~ <rdcdu.xfu try scrtice the proposed <br />facility, In teens:># the size and location, IlitIshc3rc~ugh's nc~n-residential w=ater <br />and sewer capital st~rritcs fees are estimated tc~ L>~~ S?~,(7t)t}_ <br />'Ihe proposed faciliy is fo h«usc the Clrangc~ County TZcrrt~atios~ zuul Parks <br />t?peraticrns E3a4e, including t7uilding and ou#side ~turage rtc~eds, as i4eP ~v <br />storage areas for other Counh' departments, such a~., P..~T S ,Board of ETectic~ns, <br />etc. It was noted at the ryugust 9th m.~cting that addittozral programmaati< <br />infarmatirnt would hc~ proc~ided to the [3esigster regarding space needs and <br />design criteria. Tt was fuxthcr noted t}7at C'Ii7 would we>rk dir~rcth= 4yith Von tc~ <br />'. ~' ~~ E'-~~ ti~ . ~-iet-E,<~rc plan n laethty that maxsarei2es the building arc>a withi t t17c~ e*.IaLlishCit 1~udget, <br />"~' ~'~, ~~"' '`'a ~tfiilr~ accommodating the I~ighcst prior~tl needs and e711~~cc~ng ,`c,r planned <br />future expanslan. <br />