Orange County NC Website
HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />Memorandum <br />TO: Orange County Board of County Commissioners <br />John Link, County Manager <br />FROM: Orange County Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) <br />DATE: July 29, 2004 <br />SUBJECT: Scenic Byway Application for Old NC 86 <br />COPY: Jay Bryan <br />io <br />Jay Bryan, Chair of the Northern Transition Area Advisory Board, attended our July 28th <br />meeting, to discuss an application to place a segment of Old NC 86 in the North Carolina Scenic <br />Byways Program. The proposed segment extends from the Hogan property located near the <br />intersection of NC 86 (Hillsborough Road) and Fayetteville Road in Carrboro, north to the <br />intersection with I -40 in Hillsborough. <br />Several properties along this stretch of road were included in the countywide architectural <br />survey completed during the early 1990s. Some of the more significant resources, such as the <br />Thomas Hogan House, and Neville Log Building are listed in the National Register of Historic <br />Places or the North Carolina Study List. The Cate family property is also located within the <br />proposed Scenic Byway. This includes the eastern tracts, part of the future Twin Creeks Park, <br />and the western tract purchased for the Town of Carrboro's public works facility. <br />Inclusion in the North Carolina Scenic Byways Program offers honorary designation, only. <br />There is no regulatory component to the program, nor any preemptive development <br />restrictions. Unlike the National Register Program, the North Carolina Scenic Byways Program is <br />not linked to the Section 106 Review process; there is no implication in the state and federal <br />planning process. <br />What the Scenic Byways Program does offer is local recognition, recognition that special road <br />corridors can contribute to the visual character of a community, particularly a rural community. <br />The Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) has been working to develop and promote a similar <br />program at the local level, the proposed Heritage /Scenic Corridor Program, and feels that this <br />nomination is consistent with our efforts to encourage voluntary measures to preserve rural <br />historic landscapes. The Historic Preservation Commission supports the Northern Transition <br />Area Advisory Board's application to nominate this twelve -mile (+i -) segment of Old NC 86 to the <br />North Carolina Scenic Byways Program. <br />The HPC recognizes the role of the Commission to offer advice on preservation matters and <br />thanks the Board for the opportunity to comment. <br />