Orange County NC Website
DRAFT <br />2 <br />55 <br />Alex Castro said the services are expanding, and asked if the finances also expanding. 56 <br />57 <br />Theo Letman answered that the department is doing well financially and is applying for grants from the local MPOs. 58 <br />59 <br />Abigaile Pittman said TARPO just made an announcement for the grant period opening for 5310grants.60 <br />61 <br />Theo Letman said the new 20-foot vans would be wheelchair accessible. 62 <br />63 <br />When asked, Theo Letman said the deadhead is the not-in-service miles. Art Menius asked if there is any way to 64 <br />reduce that deadhead. Theo Letman answered that reduction of that is attempted. 65 <br />66 <br />Theo Letman said the fleet mechanic started working in June. 67 <br />68 <br />Theo Letman said one person in an administrative position left in May and the department was able to change that 69 <br />position to a business position to help take care of billing. The person in that positionstarts Monday. The department 70 <br />is currently recruitingfor three full-time drivers. The department is also looking at an occupational therapist position 71 <br />that would do functional assessments for ADA compliancy and perhaps also an operations manager. 72 <br />73 <br />Theo Letman said the department has been going through a procurement process for dispatching and scheduling. 74 <br />This software would also allow dispatchers to send messages to busses, which may be in radio dead zones. The 75 <br />software also hasan app component for clients called Ecolane. 76 <br />77 <br />Theo Letman said that he can make room for additional staff in the existingOCPTspace. 78 <br />79 <br />Theo Letman mentioned that he could not find an Orange County ADA Transition Plan and had been asked for it. 80 <br />Others assured him that Orange County has one and suggested people to contact in order to locate the plan. 81 <br />82 <br />AGENDA ITEM 5B:OCPT/OCCOUPDATE (ALLYSON COLTRANE)-83 <br />Allyson Coltrane statedthat in May a “burn carbon” event was held at a bicycle shop in Hillsborough. She handed out 84 <br />information at the event onbicycle safely. Also, she and Teleishia Holloway spoke at a Hillsborough/Orange County 85 <br />Chamberof Commerce event and highlighted ShareTheRideNC and the new route from Hillsborough to Mebane. 86 <br />Participants boarded the bus and took that route. When asked, Theo Letman said the route is intentionally different 87 <br />from the ODX route. 88 <br />89 <br />Allyson Coltrane said Orange County is piloting a Go Pass program for county employees. Also, they are getting 90 <br />quotes on shared bicycles and possibly electric scooters. She thinks it makes sense to start with shared bicycles until 91 <br />other jurisdictionswork out the kinks with electric scooters. When asked, she said it would be five bicycles and they 92 <br />would have to be returned to their docks or the user would be fined. Helmets are passed out at the launch but are not 93 <br />kept available with the bicycles. 94 <br />95 <br />Allyson Coltrane reported that the Transit Academy would be held at the main library on Thursday, Sept. 20, 9:00 96 <br /> 10:00a.m. The focus is for health care providers on how to get patients to their appointments. 97 <br />98 <br />Allyson Coltrane also reported that near Halloween there would be a “Lighten Up” event at the main library to make 99 <br />sure children are safe and visible while trick-or-treating. 100 <br />101 <br />AGENDA ITEM 5C:TRANSIT ADVISORY SERVICES (TAS)COMMENTS/QUESTIONS (THEO LETMAN)-102 <br />There was none.103 <br />104 <br />AGENDA ITEM 6:REGULAR OUTBOARD AGENDA105 <br />106 <br />107 <br />108 <br />4