Orange County NC Website
Approved 8/1/18 <br />Alex Gregory said he likes the option of transferring impervious surface within the watershed. <br />This discussion wrapped up at 7:57 p.m. <br />Michael Harvey shared some updates: <br />The Orange County Attorney’s office had supplied tweaks to the flag ordinance, stipulating that <br />a flagpole can be 20 feet from the property line and that the flag itself has a year to come into <br />compliance but the flagpole is grandfathered in. <br />Public hearings were held the previous night on four UDO text amendments that the Planning <br />Board had reviewed regarding mobile home parks and neighborhood information meetings. <br />Craig Benedict said the planning and community housing departments have been working <br />together to create an affordable housing vision. He would like to create a workgroup of Planning <br />Board members to work on this. There was then a brief discussion about affordable housing and <br />the closing of mobile home parks in the Chapel Hill area due to the rise in the land values. <br />Randy Marshall advocated for purchasing the land of some of the existing mobile home parks. <br />Craig Benedict said the land is too expensive, as in millions of dollars. <br />Paul Guthrie and Patricia Roberts volunteered to serve on the workgroup. <br />Michael Harvey informed the committee that soon they would be seeing a new table of uses, <br />tweaks to the sign ordinance and possibly a reduction in the number of general use zoning <br />districts. <br />The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 8:13 p.m. <br />Lydia N. Wegman, Chair