Orange County NC Website
Approved 6/6/2018 <br /> <br />recently went through this process. Michael Harvey said it is reasonable but it is hard to say whether adjacent 166 <br />property owners find it sufficient. The Settler’s Point developers held four neighborhood meetings and neighboring 167 <br />property owners were still asking questions at the Planning Board meeting. 168 169 MOTION made by Randy Marshall to approve the statement of consistency in Attachment 2 and UDO text 170 <br />amendments contained in Attachment 3. Seconded by Laura Nicholson. 171 VOTE: Unanimous 172 <br /> 173 AGENDA ITEM 8: ADJOURNMENT 174 <br />MOTION made by Laura Nicholson to adjourn at 7:36 p.m. Seconded by Randy Marshall. 175 176 <br /> 177 <br /> ____________________________________ 178 <br /> Lydia N. Wegman, Chair 179