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Approved 6/6/2018 <br /> <br /> 56 PUBLIC CHARGE 57 <br />The Planning Board pledges to the citizens of Orange County its respect. The Board asks its 58 <br />citizens to conduct themselves in a respectful, courteous manner, both with the Board and with 59 <br />fellow citizens. At any time, should any member of the Board or any citizen fail to observe this 60 <br />public charge, the Chair will ask the offending member to leave the meeting until that individual 61 <br />regains personal control. Should decorum fail to be restored, the Chair will recess the meeting until 62 <br />such time that a genuine commitment to this public charge is observed. 63 <br /> 64 <br />AGENDA ITEM 6: CHAIR COMMENTS 65 <br />There were no comments. 66 <br /> 67 AGENDA ITEM 7: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE (UDO) TEXT AMENDMENTS – HP-CZ (HOME PARK – 68 CONDITIONAL ZONING) DISTRICT - To make a recommendation to the BOCC on government-69 <br />initiated amendments to the text of the UDO that will clean up items that were inadvertently omitted 70 <br />from amendments that were adopted in 2017. This item is scheduled for public hearing on June 5, 71 <br />2018. 72 <br /> 73 PRESENTER: Patrick Mallett, Planner II 74 <br /> 75 <br />Patrick Mallett presented the staff abstract on this amendment package reminding the Planning Board the County 76 <br />recently changed the name of the Mobile Home Park Conditional Zoning District (MPD-CZ) to Home Park Conditional 77 <br />Zoning District (HP-CZD). Unfortunately there are still references to the Mobile Home Park Conditional Zoning 78 <br />District within the UDO, which have to be corrected. The county attorney has reviewed the amendments. The term 79 <br />“mobile home park” is used by other departments like the Health Department. The attorneys concluded that the 80 <br />Planning Department can change the terminology without causing problems for the other departments. 81 <br /> 82 <br />Patrick Mallett reviewed that Item 8 covers the allowable potential uses in the HP-CZ District. He reviewed that this 83 <br />does not affect the status of tiny homes, which are not yet defined by the state or by building code as a separate 84 <br />category. 85 <br /> 86 MOTION made by Randy Marshall to approve the statement of consistency. Seconded by David Blankfard. 87 <br />VOTE: Unanimous 88 <br /> 89 <br />MOTION made by Randy Marshall to approve the UDO text amendment contained in Attachment 3. Seconded by 90 <br />Laura Nicholson 91 VOTE: Unanimous 92 <br /> 93 AGENDA ITEM 8: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE (UDO) TEXT AMENDMENTS – ADD USES TO HP-CZ 94 DISTRICT - To make a recommendation to the BOCC on government-initiated amendments to the 95 <br />text of the UDO that will add allowable potential uses in the HP-CZ District. This item is scheduled 96 <br />for public hearing on June 5, 2018. 97 <br /> 98 PRESENTER: Patrick Mallett, Planner II 99 <br /> 100 <br />Patrick Mallet presented the staff abstract on this amendment package reminding the Board the intent of the 101 <br />amendment package is to include additional government and public land uses within the district in an effort to expand 102 <br />development opportunities on County owned property for affordable housing. 103 <br /> 104 <br />MOTION made by Laura Nicholson to approve the statement of consistency. Seconded by David Blankfard. 105 VOTE: Unanimous 106 107 MOTION made by Hunter Spitzer to approve the UDO text amendment contained in Attachment 3. Seconded by 108 <br />Laura Nicholson 109 <br />VOTE: Unanimous 110