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blue circles). Mebane has also recently adopted a Comprehension Transportation Plan and it <br />was adopted in June 2018. That is shown as the yellow lines and circles on the map from their <br />recently adopted CTP. The 2017 Transportation Study proposed 3 different cross sections a 90- <br />foot right-of-way that includes bike and pedestrian accommodations and sidewalks. It included a <br />60 ft right-of-way for areas east of Buckhorn Road and an 80 ft right-of-way for some of the <br />major areas. The study also recommended improvements to various intersections, adding turn <br />lanes for various east and westbound routes along 70, Buckhorn Road, West Ten Road and Ben <br />Wilson Road. As part of community outreach, we sent out letters to property owners in and <br />around the study area. We sent out over 700 notices about the community meeting. The <br />community meeting was held last Tuesday to get public comments. An estimate of 100 people <br />attended. The meeting had nice positive feedback. People engaging in knowing what’s going on <br />in the area. We created a website to keep the public informed and involved in the process and <br />as a means of getting more feedback as this process continues. We handed out a survey at the <br />Community meeting to get feedback about what was presented to them. The next steps – we <br />are currently at the next step phase presenting the planning process and plan before the <br />Planning Board for review. The Draft Plan is in your attachment to for your review and comment. <br />We will come back next month in October for your recommendations to include as we present <br />this to the Board of County Commissioners’ later this year, tentatively targeting November for <br />Public Hearing. This same presentation will be given to the Orange Unified Transportation <br />Board (OUTBoard) later this month and they will provide their recommendations in October. A <br />tentative Public Hearing is scheduled to go before the Board of County Commissioners’ in <br />November and depending on what they decide, they will act in November or December for their <br />decision. <br />Randy Marshall question: Has the Outboard seen this at all? <br />Nish responded: They will see this in two weeks on September 19. Your meeting came first, so <br />it will be presented to them at their meeting in two weeks. Both of your recommendations will <br />go to the Board of County Commissioners’ together. It is not like one is going then the other. <br />Both packets together with all your comments together and then the Board will make a decision <br />either at the public hearing or the following meeting. <br />The plan will be implemented through the Unified Development Ordinance which requires <br />development be in compliance with adopted local plans like an Access Management Plan and it <br />is through the UDO we would use this plan to get people to dedicate the right-of-way in the <br />event these roads are constructed. <br />Any Questions. <br />Hunter Spitzer asked when comments are needed by? <br />Nish Trivedi answered: by the 28th of September. I want to put all comments together before <br />sitting down with staff to see if there is anything to add or improve. We will add a simple Q&A at <br />the end of the document. Those will come back to you in October for your recommendations. <br />Tom Altieri clarified the comment period. Any comments the Board would have tonight, we will <br />take our notes and collect those comments. As Nish mentioned it is coming back to you next <br />month and as you are reviewing the document and have comments send them to him. If you <br />want to send an email to Nish you are welcome to do that and he can report out at the beginning <br />of your next meeting what comments he has collected so far and how those comments will be <br />addressed.