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Hunter Spitzer asked that a corridor be identified where staff would intend the potential traffic to go for the non-153 <br />motorized users and access to the corridor from Mebane and from Efland. 154 <br /> 155 <br />Nishith Trivedi said that they will include the proposed changes suggested by Hunter Spitzer in the revisions to the 156 <br />updates. 157 <br /> 158 <br />Paul Guthrie explained that he does not find the Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Access Management Plan helpful in 159 <br />explaining what triggers the possible outcomes of the plan. He doesn’t believe that the plan details enough, what kind 160 <br />of changes could happen to the area just that change may happen and that there needs to be more clarification 161 <br />about what the plan is. 162 <br /> 163 <br />Nishith Trivedi stated that staff will work on providing more clarification during future presentations of the plan. 164 <br /> 165 <br />Lydia Wegman suggested adding an introduction that provides in greater detail, what the plan is and how it interacts 166 <br />with future planning and development activities. 167 <br /> 168 <br />Julie Laws had questions about the possibility of a road being able to go through property on Center St. 169 <br /> 170 <br />Nishith Trivedi explained that the property in question is zoned local commercial and that if a future owner of the 171 <br />property wants to make changes and go through the development review process, the UDO and Efland-Buckhorn-172 <br />Mebane Access Management Plan would come into place. 173 <br /> 174 <br />Lydia Wegman explained she would like to go over what changes the Planning Board has suggested for the motion 175 <br />on the item. 176 <br /> 177 <br />Nishith Trivedi restated that a suggestion by Hunter Spitzer is to reference NCDOT standards and guidebook to show 178 <br />how this plan is going to meet economic development objectives 2.2 and 2.3. 179 <br /> 180 <br />Lydia Wegman also restated Paul Guthrie’s suggestion to add more clarity and background to the introduction in the 181 <br />plan. 182 <br /> 183 <br />Paul Guthrie further explained that there is a total misunderstanding among some of the public of what this plan is 184 <br />and to avoid having the same meeting over and over again, more background needs to be provided. He thinks long 185 <br />term planning is important, but this plan doesn’t explain what the community will look like in the future. Paul believes 186 <br />a prologue needs to be provided in order to address those concerns. 187 <br /> 188 <br />Doug Efland asked if a property owner could adjust or abandon their dedicated right-of-way if a different plan was to 189 <br />come into effect. 190 <br /> 191 <br />Nishith Trivedi explained that the lines on the plan are subject to change and that right-of-ways can be abandoned if 192 <br />determined unnecessary in the future. 193 <br /> 194 MOTION by Randy Marshall to recommend to the County Commissioners that the Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Access 195 <br />Management Plan be approved with: 196 <br />• the Planning Director’s recommendation of revisions as mentioned earlier 197 <br />• the addition of a prologue as recommended by Paul Guthrie and 198 <br />• Hunter Spitzer’s recommendation to include NCDOT standards and guidebook to show how this plan is 199 <br />going to meet economic development objectives 2.2 and 2.3. 200 <br />Seconded by Adam Beeman 201 <br />VOTE: 8-2 202 <br />Paul Guthrie and Hunter Spitzer voted against. 203 <br /> 8