OCPB agenda 100318
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 100318
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Last modified
12/27/2018 2:04:05 PM
Creation date
11/13/2018 3:34:48 PM
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OCPB minutes 100318
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Planning Board\Minutes\2018
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and they did it with the help of Pilot Environmental Inc who studied of environmental concerns and issues including 154 <br />existing conditions analysis, land use and traffic impacts, corridor and intersection feasibilities for this 4.25 square 155 <br />mile area. 156 <br /> 157 <br />Randy Marshall asked a question: Who contracted this study- the State? 158 <br /> 159 <br />Nish Trivedi answered: The County paid for the study. 160 <br /> 161 <br />Nish Trivedi continued presentation. This study included a big spreadsheet with 30 rows of data that showed what 162 <br />the various development sites might be. How much might be developed for example a 100-acre of land and only 163 <br />about 30 acres of it could be developed due to constraints, environmental issues and market factors. What is 164 <br />developed on these 30 acres would help determine the traffic impact in the area, traffic impact being how many cars 165 <br />it might generate. The 2017 Transportation Study also evaluated NCDOT 24 different street cross sections; these are 166 <br />what State routes are required to look like. It proposed 3 NCDOT cross sections of those for this area. The Study 167 <br />also took into consideration the impact at intersections, what would be needed at those intersections such as turn 168 <br />lanes and stop signs. The slides show some of the intersections that would need turn lanes, stops signs, etc. to 169 <br />address the increased traffic for that development. 170 <br />Now we are in the process of updating the original 2011 Access Management Plan using the 2017 Transportation 171 <br />Study. On August 28, we conducted a community meeting at Gravely Hill Middle School to let the public know what is 172 <br />going on in this process and get their feedback. The study also included recommendations and these are all 173 <br />presented to you for your consideration as part of the draft. We are taking the original 2011 Plan, adding the 174 <br />transportation study, with public comments, to create a whole new Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Access Management 175 <br />Plan. The study analyzed possible roads, these roads were carried forward from the original 2011 Access 176 <br />Management Plan to insure everyone had access to their property while development occurs, and the circles are for 177 <br />the various intersections. The green lines are from the study itself. The purple lines you see are where staff 178 <br />identified additional roads that would be needed and additional studies would also be required to address the 179 <br />increased traffic issues brought on by future development. The red circles are the intersections from the 2017 180 <br />Transportation Study. We as staff think that additional intersections will be needed and more study and possible 181 <br />improvements needed for those intersections (see the blue circles). Mebane has also recently adopted a 182 <br />Comprehension Transportation Plan and it was adopted in June 2018. That is shown as the yellow lines and circles 183 <br />on the map from their recently adopted CTP. The 2017 Transportation Study proposed 3 different cross sections a 184 <br />90-foot right-of-way that includes bike and pedestrian accommodations and sidewalks. It included a 60 ft right-of-way 185 <br />for areas east of Buckhorn Road and an 80 ft right-of-way for some of the major areas. The study also 186 <br />recommended improvements to various intersections, adding turn lanes for various east and westbound routes along 187 <br />70, Buckhorn Road, West Ten Road and Ben Wilson Road. As part of community outreach, we sent out letters to 188 <br />property owners in and around the study area. We sent out over 700 notices about the community meeting. The 189 <br />community meeting was held last Tuesday to get public comments. An estimate of 100 people attended. The 190 <br />meeting had nice positive feedback. People engaging in knowing what’s going on in the area. We created a website 191 <br />to keep the public informed and involved in the process and as a means of getting more feedback as this process 192 <br />continues. We handed out a survey at the Community meeting to get feedback about what was presented to them. 193 <br />The next steps – we are currently at the next step phase presenting the planning process and plan before the 194 <br />Planning Board for review. The Draft Plan is in your attachment to for your review and comment. We will come back 195 <br />next month in October for your recommendations to include as we present this to the Board of County 196 <br />Commissioners’ later this year, tentatively targeting November for Public Hearing. This same presentation will be 197 <br />given to the Orange Unified Transportation Board (OUTBoard) later this month and they will provide their 198 <br />recommendations in October. A tentative Public Hearing is scheduled to go before the Board of County 199 <br />Commissioners’ in November and depending on what they decide, they will act in November or December for their 200 <br />decision. 201 <br /> 202 <br />Randy Marshall question: Has the Outboard seen this at all? 203 <br /> 204 <br /> 9
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