OCPB agenda 100318
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 100318
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Last modified
12/27/2018 2:04:05 PM
Creation date
11/13/2018 3:34:48 PM
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OCPB minutes 100318
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this. We are updating the effective FIRM date in the UDO as we are required to do and making a couple of “tweaks” 103 <br />to make existing a little more user friendly. The staff recommendation is that you all take an affirmative action on 104 <br />recommending approval of the statement of consistency and attachment to and recommend the change to the 105 <br />ordinance amendment attachment. 106 <br /> 107 <br />Michael Harvey reviewed abstract. 108 <br /> 109 <br />Carrie Fletcher asked what this change does for policy holders 110 <br /> 111 <br />Michael Harvey said there would be no change for policy holders. If the County didn’t do anything, flood insurance 112 <br />would not be available. If for instance you were going to do a refinance on your house, the most recent data would 113 <br />be used, which is the best available data. We are not looking at major impacts on property owners in Orange County, 114 <br />this is primarily dealing with flood panels that are in Durham County but because they are changing that data set the 115 <br />map has to be updated so we have to include the new effective date it is a “bookkeeping issue”. 116 <br /> 117 <br />Carrie Fletcher asked if it will tend to raise rates or have any impact on rates? 118 <br /> 119 <br />Michael Harvey answered: it will not have any affect on rates at all. 120 <br /> 121 <br />MOTION by Kim Piracci to approve statement of consistency. Seconded by Hunter Spitzer. 122 <br />VOTE: Unanimous 123 <br /> 124 <br />MOTION by Hunter Spitzer to approve the UDO text amendment change. Seconded by Laura Nicholson. 125 VOTE: Unanimous 126 <br /> 127 <br /> 128 AGENDA ITEM 8: EFLAND-BUCKHORN-MEBANE ACCESS MANAGEMENT PLAN - To review and comment 129 <br />on draft updates to the Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Access Management Plan 130 <br />. 131 <br />PRESENTER: Nish Trivedi, Transportation Planner 132 <br />I will explain the background of this plan. It was originally adopted in November 2011. A Transportation Study was 133 <br />done in 2017. It looked at existing conditions, environmental constraints and traffic analysis. I will explain the 134 <br />updating processes, some of the findings from the 2017 Transportation Study, show you what the next steps entail 135 <br />and how this plan will be implemented. The Access Management Plan is the proposed long-range plan master plan 136 <br />of existing roads and possible new roads. The main purpose is to maintain the overall safety of the transportation 137 <br />system, minimize congestion and crash rates, provide efficient traffic flow and pedestrian safety; and provide 138 <br />appropriate access to adjacent business properties. (included in your packet you received is a copy of the power 139 <br />point presentation.) One slide was not included in your packet and it explains what the plan is and is not. The plan is 140 <br />a long-range vision of the area, it is a means to get people to dedicate the right of way as development applications 141 <br />come in. It is not a road map, it is not for buying or constructing roads. It is not to purchase the right of way, it is not 142 <br />for design of the road and it is not guaranteed. The development may occur and this plan is subject to change over 143 <br />the years. The plan for this started back in 1981. A comprehensive plan was done in 1981 and an area plan later in 144 <br />1991. The water and sewer plan was done in 2002 for the area. The Efland Area Study followed by 2006 Efland-145 <br />Mebane Small Area Plan and the 2011 E-B-M Access Management Plan was adopted by the County and we are 146 <br />simply updating that plan. 147 <br />In 2017 Volkert Inc did a transportation study of the area and we will hear more about in the presentation. The 148 <br />original 2011 Access Plan included a map of the area and possible roads that will be in this area and improvements 149 <br />that will be done. It included a variety of access management strategies including and 2 possible street cross 150 <br />sections. In September 2011 the Planning Board and Orange Unified Transportation Board reviewed it and made its 151 <br />recommendations. There was a public information meeting held in November of that year and the Board adopted it 152 <br />that same month on November 15, 2011. In 2017 Volkert was contracted to do a Transportation Study for this area 153 <br /> 8
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