Orange County NC Website
PLANNING DOCUMENT <br />AMENDMENT OUTLINE FORM <br /> <br />Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Access Management Plan (E-B-M AMP) Update <br />A. AMENDMENT TYPE <br />Map Amendments <br /> Future Land Use Map <br />From: <br />To: <br /> Zoning Map <br />From: <br />To: <br /> Other: <br /> <br />Text Amendments <br /> Comprehensive Plan Text: <br />Section(s): <br /> <br />Other Amendments <br /> Type: E-B-M AMP Update <br /> <br />B. RATIONALE <br />1. Purpose/Mission <br />In order to better promote economic development opportunities and help preserve <br />planned sewer and road capacities for all land uses within the E-B-M AMP planning <br />area, the Planning Director is suggesting consideration of updates to the current <br />Access Management Plan. <br /> <br />2. Analysis <br />Proposed Changes <br />Update to the E-B-M AMP. This update will utilize a 2017 Transportation Report for <br />the Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Study Area to renew and replace the original 2011 <br />Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Economic Development District Access Management Plan. <br />In a few cases, it will also incorporate other road and intersection improvements <br />recommended by planning staff. The final E-B-M AMP Update is scheduled for a <br />Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) public hearing on November 1, 2018. <br /> <br />Background <br />The original Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Access Management Plan was adopted <br />November 15, 2011 and it implemented a recommendation of the Efland-Mebane <br />Small Area Plan (2006). It also served as a tool for implementing aspects of the 2030 <br />Comprehensive Plan (2008). <br />Attachment 1 16