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difference between the 2017 and the 2011. Really kind of an update. Much like the 2011 plan, if there is not a lot of 307 <br />development in the area, we won’t see those roads getting built. I mentioned the service road to Morinaga, that was 308 <br />partially funded by DOT and one of the things that DOT looked for, as it wanted to be very careful that it was not 309 <br />providing funding for an individual driveway to go to a business, and one of the things they asked for was for the 310 <br />County to demonstrate how this service road was part of a greater transportation network to serve the area and we 311 <br />were able to demonstrate it was because we had that 2011 Plan. We were able to show them that we had an 312 <br />adopted plan and as a result the State contributed the money and we were able to get that road built. 313 <br /> 314 <br />Randy Marshall: Vision was a very good way to describe the whole process here. A vision for how it could develop 315 <br />and what we would want to see when it is developed, but it doesn’t mean it is going to be developed but if somebody 316 <br />comes in and wants it developed then this is what our vision is, and they can take that into account. 317 <br /> 318 <br />Patricia asked: The yellow roads what does that mean? On Page 6? Also, what about the Richmond, Lebanon Rd 319 <br />how it’s going to connect to the 119 bypass? Answer: Another transit route that was proposed – new bus route 320 <br />proposed. 321 <br /> 322 <br />Nish answered: Every new state road or improvements to state road goes through the state’s SPOT process. The 323 <br />State uses this quantitative data driven process to determine which projects are best suited for funding through the 324 <br />State’s Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The yellow lines on the map you are referring to are Orange 325 <br />County priorities we submitted to corresponding Metropolitan Planning Organizations to be considered for the current 326 <br />SPOT process. The green lines on the same map are funded projects in the current adopted STIP. The yellow lines 327 <br />you see are the County priorities. These lines did not score for the SPOT process for the State. The green ones you 328 <br />see are funded and approved. The repaving of I-85. 329 <br /> 330 <br />Tom: for example - Buckhorn Road. The county has identified it as one of its transportation priorities and the 331 <br />County attempted to see if that is a project could be funded through the State’s Transportation Improvement Program 332 <br />(STIP). So, what we are looking at here in this section of the draft is just background information. 333 <br /> 334 <br />Planning Board Meeting ended by consensus at 7:50 PM 335 <br /> 336 <br /> 337 <br /> 338 <br /> 339 <br /> 340 <br /> 341 <br />Lydia N. Wegman, Chair 342 <br /> 12