OCPB agenda 100318
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 100318
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Last modified
12/27/2018 2:04:05 PM
Creation date
11/13/2018 3:34:48 PM
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OCPB minutes 100318
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Planning Board\Minutes\2018
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Nish responded: They will see this in two weeks on September 19. Your meeting came first, so it will be presented 205 <br />to them at their meeting in two weeks. Both of your recommendations will go to the Board of County 206 <br />Commissioners’ together. It is not like one is going then the other. Both packets together with all your comments 207 <br />together and then the Board will make a decision either at the public hearing or the following meeting. 208 <br /> 209 <br />The plan will be implemented through the Unified Development Ordinance which requires development be in 210 <br />compliance with adopted local plans like an Access Management Plan and it is through the UDO we would use this 211 <br />plan to get people to dedicate the right-of-way in the event these roads are constructed. 212 <br /> 213 <br />Any Questions. 214 <br /> 215 <br />Hunter Spitzer asked when comments are needed by? 216 <br /> 217 <br />Nish Trivedi answered: by the 28th of September. I want to put all comments together before sitting down with staff 218 <br />to see if there is anything to add or improve. We will add a simple Q&A at the end of the document. Those will come 219 <br />back to you in October for your recommendations. 220 <br /> 221 <br />Tom Altieri clarified the comment period. Any comments the Board would have tonight, we will take our notes and 222 <br />collect those comments. As Nish mentioned it is coming back to you next month and as you are reviewing the 223 <br />document and have comments send them to him. If you want to send an email to Nish you are welcome to do that 224 <br />and he can report out at the beginning of your next meeting what comments he has collected so far and how those 225 <br />comments will be addressed. 226 <br /> 227 <br />At the end of the presentation is Nish’s contact information. 228 <br /> 229 <br />Randy Marshall spoke about detail of plan and mentioned the feedback forms. He stated the plan looked 230 <br />comprehensive for such a small part of Orange County in the sense that a lot of time, energy and thought was put 231 <br />into the preparation. Such as assessment of traffic, where traffic wants to go and to get to the different parts. I did 232 <br />notice on the feedback forms that people were still confused, I am sure a lot of that is to be expected because it is all 233 <br />conjecture at this point. This will hit the road so to speak when development comes in and we will have this as a 234 <br />starting point in terms of planning purposes for that area. 235 <br /> 236 <br />Adam Beeman asked about the bridge at Buckhorn Rd. and I-85. Are there any plans of putting lights up on that 237 <br />bridge at Buckhorn Road when you get off I-85 and come across the bridge, now there are no lights on that bridge at 238 <br />all? You are presently at mercy of stopping and looking for traffic before making those turns. Just wonder when 239 <br />that’s coming. 240 <br /> 241 <br />Nish Trivedi said that they will look at future improvements 242 <br /> 243 <br />Tom Altieri spoke about developers and traffic impact studies. That will come when development comes. For 244 <br />example, if a developer came in and wanted to develop a piece of property, much like the application for Settlers 245 <br />Point, when it came in there would be forecasts done for additional traffic on the roadway, if roadway improvements 246 <br />would be necessary, turn lanes and traffic lights could be some of those improvements. There is nothing planned 247 <br />now for construction of the network reflected in the draft Access Management Plan. 248 <br /> 249 <br />Carrie Fletcher asked about road updates on Buckhorn Rd and bridge developments? 250 <br /> 251 <br />Tom Altieri answered. One of the recommendations, in fact, one of the only four lane cross-sections is at Buckhorn 252 <br />Road. The cross-section for Buckhorn Road from West 10 all the way towards Hwy 70 would be for a four-lane 253 <br />divided cross section. So, that’s something as an example of if a developer came in they may be able to ask to, at 254 <br />least, protect the right-of-way and the right-of-way width, so, eventually when there is enough critical mass there it 255 <br /> 10
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