Orange County NC Website
17 Parcels (in whole/in part)84 acres <br />!"_$ <br />WATERSTONEDR <br />OAK RIDGE DR <br />G <br />LA D Y S L N <br />DAVIS RD <br />DESTINY DR <br />SERVICERD <br />W <br />SCARLETTMOUNTAIN <br />R <br />D <br />SU <br />MMIT <br />TRAIL <br />DRRIPPYLN <br />O <br />L <br />D <br />N <br />C <br />8 <br />6 <br />OL D N C 86 <br />ALICELOOP <br />Proposed Town of Hillsborough/Orange County Central OrangeCoordinated Area Land Use Plan <br />Natural Resources <br />Proposed Suburban Office <br />Expanded Urban ServiceBoundary PendingHillsborough <br />Current Urban ServiceBoundary <br />Existing Land Use Plan <br />Employment <br />Mixed Res Neighborhood <br />Mixed Use <br />Neighborhood Mixed Use <br />Permanent Open Space <br />Suburban Office ¯Orange County Planning and InspectionsBrian Carson (1/26/2018) <br />0 400Feet <br />1 in = 650 feet <br /> 7