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Regarding requiring the applicant to provide proposed findings of fact for each of the required findings pursuant to 102 <br />Section 2.10.3, there was discussion that a typical property owner would have trouble providing such a formal 103 <br />document. Michael Harvey explained that the attorney’s office was adding it because it is something the property 104 <br />owner ought to do. Carrie Fletcher raised concern that it puts a burden on property owners to hire an attorney. 105 <br />Paul Guthrie said the community may give negative feedback to the elected officials regarding this. Other committee 106 <br />members felt comfortable with the standard because a template and examples are provided. 107 <br /> 108 <br />Paul Guthrie noted a place where the language said “sworn” and could also say “or affirmed.” 109 <br /> 110 <br />Michael Harvey said he would share the committee’s comments with Orange County Attorney James Bryan. The 111 <br />committee members requested that the attorney’s comments regarding their comments be shared with them via 112 <br />email. 113 <br /> 114 AGENDA ITEM 4: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE (UDO) TEXT AMENDMENTS – REORGANIZATION OF 115 TABLES OF PERMITTED USES - To continue review and discussion on proposed amendments to the UDO that 116 <br />would reorganize the Tables of Permitted Uses in response to the Byrd v. Franklin County judicial decision and 117 <br />modify other sections to ensure consistency within the ordinance. 118 <br />Michael Harvey noted this is the third time the committee has seen the revised permitted uses table. He reviewed 119 <br />that staff has been tasked with combining three permitted uses tables into one. He noted the attorney’s office had 120 <br />suggested numbering the land uses. He then reviewed the proposed changes, which are in red. 121 <br />PRESENTER: Michael Harvey, Current Planning Supervisor 122 <br /> 123 <br />There was brief discussion that turning gravel into sand is incidental to mining gravel and not a chemical process. 124 <br /> 125 <br />Michael Harvey reviewed under short-term rental under Services. He explained the language was borrowed from the 126 <br />City of Wilmington, North Carolina. 127 <br /> 128 <br />The ORC concluded its meeting at 9:05 p.m. 129 <br /> 130 <br />Lydia N. Wegman, Chair 131 <br /> 12