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Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. (See Attachment 2, Scattered Site <br />Housing Rehabilitation Program Grant Project Ordinance) <br />Emergency Telephone System Fund <br />6. On April 13, 2004, the Board of County Commissioners approved an appropriation of fund <br />balance in the amount of $208,000 from the Emergency Telephone System Fund to enter <br />into a contract for field verification of addresses in the countywide GIS system, The address <br />field verification to be accomplished through this contract will be particularly helpful to law <br />enforcement, emergency management (medical and rescue) services, and fire departments <br />being dispatched to any area of Qrange County, Verification by persons visiting each <br />physical address in the County will ensure that the information contained in the common <br />electronic computer database accurately reflects the physical location of each address on <br />the ground, <br />Due to contract issues regarding the scope of the work, the contract was not executed by <br />June 30, 2004. This budget amendment provides for the re-appropriation of $208,000 in <br />fund balance from the Emergency Telephone System Fund for FY 2004-05. (See <br />Attachment 1, column # 6) <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Financial impacts are included in the background information above. <br />RECOMMENDATION (S): The Manager recommends that the Board of County Commissioners <br />approve the attached budget ordinance and grant project ordinance amendments. <br />