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youth by visitors not signing some type of confidentiality statement when entering <br /> the building." <br /> Boomerang will be required to come up with a corrective action plan that includes: <br /> "Measures to address the incident with staff; changes in policies and procedures <br /> to prevent future incidents from occurring; develop implementation of policies <br /> and procedures for screening and approving persons to present or facilitate <br /> program activities for youth; a time table process for training staff on the newly <br /> created policies and existing DPS and JCPC policies." <br /> Tami was not on premises when this incident occurred, but when she arrived she acted <br /> appropriately. However, there was enough that had already occurred that warranted the <br /> finding. Tami reported that after the incident: she immediately met with staff <br /> individually and as a group; reviewed expectations and policies, especially around <br /> Boomerang child safeguarding policy; reviewed program policies in conjunction with the <br /> whole board; reinforced building entry process; immediately suspended the participation <br /> of the community agency that was involved in the incident; reviewed all contracts with <br /> partner agencies regarding the requirements around skills and abilities, confidentiality, <br /> and child safeguarding, and updated as needed; and have already begun to provide <br /> additional training to staff. <br /> Chapel Hill Police Department was notified, completed a full investigation, and it was <br /> determined that there was no sexual act or anything that happened. <br /> FYI 8-19 Membership Review: If anyone knows if they won't be here next fiscal year, or if their <br /> agency will be appointing a new representative, please let us know. The assumption will be that <br /> you will continue into the new FY if we don't receive notification otherwise. <br /> Funding Committee Report—The Funding Committee met a week ago and the program <br /> applicants came and gave a brief presentation to the committee. In front of you is the <br /> recommendation that the committee is presenting to the council for vote and approval. The <br /> amount available remains unchanged at $277,731. Presented were two new program <br /> components that from existing programs that came as a result of the conversations around <br /> substance abuse,mental health, and conflict that we have been having the past year. <br /> Additionally, they were responsive to the RFP needs and also included partnerships with other <br /> JCPC funded programs. <br /> The Funding Committee is making the recommendation that both of those new components be <br /> funded and that funding for Young Warriors program be cut. During the Agency Roundtable <br /> Discussion, Ligo Dojo shared their concerns about this recommended cut and need to find <br /> additional funding. <br /> • Peggy Hamlett motioned to recommend $9,422 for Young Warriors and was seconded by <br /> Bernard Miles. Motion carried unanimously. Carol McClelland abstained. <br /> • Peggy Hamlett motioned to recommend$40,500 for Mediation/Conflict Resolution and <br /> was seconded by Sharron Hinton. Motion carried unanimously. Carol McClelland <br /> abstained. <br /> • Sharron Hinton motioned to recommend$40,330 for Teen Court and was seconded by <br /> Bernard Miles. Motion carried unanimously. Carol McClelland abstained. <br />