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used at Wrenn House, 0 electronic monitoring activations, 33 days on electronic monitoring, and <br /> 0 juveniles committed to YDC. <br /> February: 11 distinct juveniles, 12 complaints, 3 approved for court, 8 juveniles diverted, 0 <br /> juveniles admitted to detention, 0 juveniles admitted to in Wrenn House, 7 bed days used at <br /> Wrenn House, 2 electronic monitoring activations, 77 days on electronic monitoring, and 0 <br /> juveniles committed to YDC. <br /> March: 10 distinct juveniles, 14 complaints, 1 approved for court, 8 juveniles diverted, 0 <br /> juveniles admitted to detention, 0 juveniles admitted to Wrenn House, 0 bed days used at Wrenn <br /> House, 0 electronic monitoring activations, 19 days on electronic monitoring, and 0 juveniles <br /> committed to YDC. <br /> JCPC Business <br /> Program Incident—Denise needs to update the Council on an incident that occurred at one of the <br /> JCPC funded program. On Monday, February 5, Tami called Denise to inform her that Friday, <br /> February 2 there was an incident at Boomerang that involved an adult that was in the building <br /> and a youth. On Fridays they have invited guests from the Marian Cheek Jackson Center to do <br /> life skills workshops. On that particular Friday the group arrived, and shortly after, someone else <br /> associated with the Center arrived who was recognized by staff. This individual had never been <br /> to Boomerang before, has never presented before, nor was he invited. When he identified <br /> himself at the front desk and was recognized by staff, he was allowed to not only enter the <br /> building, but also present and lead the workshop despite not being invited. From his <br /> involvement with the group, early on he made some inappropriate comments not only to staff, <br /> but also to the youth. He asked a male youth to stand up and participate in an exercise to show <br /> how things can weight heavy on you. He touched the youth on his shoulders, neck, and another <br /> time on his leg. <br /> "Witness accounts from Boomerang and Jackson Center staff report that the <br /> uninvited person immediately was inappropriate with his comments and actions <br /> with Boomerang staff and youth. The failure for Boomerang to intervene in a <br /> timely manner, coupled with in appropriate comments and actions, created an <br /> unsafe environment for youth. As a result, a youth reported to Boomerang staff <br /> that he almost felt like crying and added, `I feel like I have almost been sexually <br /> assaulted or something'. <br /> In the incident report that Tami submitted to the department, it was determined that a critical <br /> program violation has occurred. Programs are responsible for not only keeping youth safe,but <br /> for also having a safe environment for youth to be there. As a result, Boomerang has been cited <br /> by the Department for having a critical program violation. An overview of the critical program <br /> violation occurred when Boomerang staff failed to: <br /> 'follow agency policy for visitors entering the building; to stop a visitor from <br /> associating with youth, while realizing the visitor was there unannounced and not <br /> invited; did not intervene once inappropriate comments were made to staff and <br /> youth by the uninvited visitor;failed to immediately intervene once the uninvited <br /> visitor had physical contact with a youth;failed to immediately report the incident <br /> to the foster parent of the youth after he arrived to pick the youth up, but the staff <br /> gave direction to the youth to update the foster parent later that evening;failed to <br /> report the incident to DSS and local police;failed to exercise reasonable care, <br /> safety, and supervision of the space; and failed to protect the confidentiality of <br />