Orange County NC Website
• Concern about the increase in the number of younger kids (under age 12)that are being <br /> seeing in juvenile court, especially in recent years. With Orange County being a smaller <br /> county, numbers are more easily skewed, but Denise also reported that this is becoming a <br /> statewide trend. Is there a way to get more information? The Orange County Community <br /> Collaborative is taking a look at some of this and Freedom House is going to look at mobile <br /> crisis numbers, DSS CPS is going to bring information on reasons for kids entering foster <br /> care, Cardinal is pulling information on service utilization, and Denise will pull data on <br /> charges and referral source for those under 12. Anyone who is in JCPC and wants to be part <br /> of Community Collaborative is welcome to come or join the mailing list. <br /> Consultant Update <br /> Psych Services program with Freedom House is going to be dissolved because those services are <br /> now being provided by the new County position. The program originally was awarded <br /> approximately $8,000; however, some of those funds have been spent on administrative <br /> overhead so there is actually less than that available. Denise is proposing that the currently <br /> funded programs be given an opportunity to submit a request for the additional funds for any <br /> unexpected needs that may not have been budgeted. Denise will send an email to all the program <br /> providers with instructions and the form they will be required to complete with the need and <br /> amount. They will also be required to provide a match and must confirm that they have it <br /> available if awarded the funds. The match can be in-kind unless a program is asking for <br /> technology, then a cash match is required. Denise will then bring the requests to the Funding <br /> Committee for review and to provide a recommendation to the board to be voted on in April. <br /> ➢ Next JCPC Meeting: Friday,April 6, 2018; Location: Southern Human Services <br /> Center, 2501 Homestead Rd, Chapel Hill NC <br />