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Someone mentioned that they were concerned to see that 50% of youth come from a home where <br /> parents have marginal or inadequate supervision skills. The question was asked about whether <br /> the courts ever mandate that parents complete any programs to help build these skills. Truancy <br /> court and DSS at times can require parents to attend certain programs to enhance their parenting <br /> skills. A comment was made that it seems like a high percentage to have especially when we <br /> have such great resources (FAN, Family Table, etc.)that can help parents with these skills but <br /> the number of referrals to programs have been declining. It was also mentioned that a lot of the <br /> youth we serve have multiple needs and that they are having to prioritize what's most important <br /> because they can't do everything. So while a parent may need skill building, a child's mental <br /> health needs often takes priority. <br /> Continuum of Services Update—Each year as part of the Annual Plan, we update the Continuum <br /> of Services. Please review and advise of any corrections or edits. The following corrections <br /> were made: MH Services and SUD Services where changed from"available but difficult to <br /> access"to "available in the community"; Alternative School for Non-Suspended Students was <br /> removed because the schools are already listed; Communities in Schools was removed because <br /> they are no longer providing services in Orange county; Whitaker School is not available to <br /> Level III youth so the arrow was corrected; Wright School has such a long wait time and <br /> stringent criteria for admission that it was decided to change to "Available but difficult to <br /> access"; and Peer-to-Peer Mediation is a model that is no longer be used so it was decided to be <br /> removed. <br /> RFP—A question was asked about Nancy's new role with Orange County to determine what <br /> services she is/will be providing and where there are gaps so that programs who are looking to <br /> apply for funding within the assessment/treatment category know how to write their applications. <br /> The Council reviewed the RFP for requested program types and dates. Peggy Hamlett motioned <br /> for the RFP to be published as written and to include a program type description document and <br /> was seconded by Stephanie Jones. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Funding Committee—Funding Committee will be meeting on Friday, March 23 and will be an <br /> all-day session. Agencies come in the morning to present their applications to the committee and <br /> they then hold a discussion in the afternoon to come to a consensus on funding recommendations <br /> to bring before the full board at the April meeting. This is a voluntary committee and all board <br /> members (without conflict of interest) are welcome to attend. Rebekah will send an email out <br /> asking for volunteers. <br /> Hot Topic Discussion <br /> • Where/how are Boomerang's numbers reported by the school systems for detentions? Tami <br /> will check-in with the school systems to see if she can get an answer. <br /> • Child&Adolescent Outpatient Services program has yet to receive any referrals. Carol <br /> shared the eligibility criteria: uninsured or underinsured(high deductible),undocumented. <br /> The funds can serve 5 kids, but as 3rd Quarter Accounting approaches, budget amendment <br /> may be made so that funds do not have to be paid back. Referrals can come from any JCPC <br /> program and do not have to be court involved youth. <br />