Orange County NC Website
Commission for the Environment <br />C/o Orange County DEAPR, PO Box 8181, Hillsborough, NC 27278 919 -245-2510 <br />Orange County <br />COMMISSION FOR THE ENVIRONMENT <br /> <br />Memorandum <br /> <br />To: David Stancil, Director, Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and <br />Recreation <br />From: Orange County Commission for the Environment <br /> <br />Date: May 14, 2018 <br /> <br />Re: Response to Idle Reduction Petition from Commissioners Marcoplos and Jacobs <br /> <br />At their regular meeting on Jan 23rd, Commissioners Marcoplos and Jacobs petitioned the <br />Orange County Commission for the Environment (CFE) to consider and make <br />recommendations on the implementation of a “no idling” campaign. The target audiences to <br />be considered were the schools and patrons or owners of drive-thru establishments, and the <br />focus was to be a broad informational outreach effort. Secondary interest areas to consider <br />were the establishment of County administrative policy on idling and the engagement of the <br />arts community and students in the creation of campaign materials. <br /> <br />After consideration of staff presentations at their meetings in February and May exploring the <br />issue of vehicle idling, available idle-reduction resources, and the initial response of potential <br />partners, the CFE made a series of recommendations. <br /> <br />1.) Since the County’s Sustainability Coordinator made initial contact with both School <br />Systems and has experience with idle-reduction outreach efforts, he should coordinate <br />the County’s idle reduction outreach. The CFE would provide ongoing support for this <br />effort by reviewing the scientific basis of the outreach materials. <br />2.) The CFE recommended that the Sustainability Coordinator work with Orange County <br />Schools (OCS) and the Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS) based on initial <br />statements of shared interest in idle-reduction to write a letter to parents describing the <br />benefits of turning their cars off while on school grounds. County staff will work with <br />School staff to draft this letter for Board consideration and approval. If the letter can <br />be created and approved the June 19th Board meeting, the outreach program could <br />begin in July. <br />3.) They also recommended that the County move forward on getting some free “Turn <br />Off Your Engine” signs from the NC Division of Air Quality (NCDAQ) to provide to <br />the Schools. The Sustainability Coordinator will support the Schools in connecting <br />with the appropriate programs at NCDAQ. <br />4.) On the County’s side, the CFE recommends engaging the County’s Community <br />Relations staff to customize and send out some pre-made marketing materials on the <br />benefits of idle-reduction. Pre-made packages of idle-reduction marketing materials <br />were reviewed by the CFE from the US Department of Energy, the state NCDAQ, and <br />local non-profits. Among several communication methods, the County already has <br />some paid advertising slots on WCHL radio that should enable the County to reach <br />parents and student drivers while they are in their cars. This should help to reach both