Orange County NC Website
Animal Control Ordinance <br />Adopted 1/21/2016 Unified Animal Control Ordinance Page 9 <br />Effective 3/1/2016 <br />(aa) Provocation: Any act that would reasonably be expected to cause an animal to <br />defend itself, its young, its owner or keeper, or the property of said owner or keeper. <br />(bb) Restraint: An animal is under restraint if it is under sufficient physical restraint such <br />as a leash, cage, bridle, or similar effective and humane device which restrains and <br />controls the animal, or within a vehicle, or adequately contained by a fence on the <br />premises or other secure enclosure as permitted in this Ordinance. If a competent <br />adult is physically outside on the land with the animal, on land where the owner or <br />keeper of the animal resides, then the animal shall be deemed to be under restraint <br />during the time the animal is in the company of and under the control of that <br />competent person and the animal is on the premises. If any unattended animal is <br />restrained by a chain, leash or similar restraint, it shall be designated and placed to <br />prevent choking or strangulation. Such chain or restraint shall not be less than ten <br />feet in length and shall be on a swivel designed to prevent the animal from choking <br />or strangling itself. The restraint of unattended dogs by a fence, kennel, outdoor <br />enclosure, chain, leash, or similar device is further regulated under this Ordinance. <br />(cc) Security Dog: Any dog used, kept, or maintained on the premises of its owner or <br />keeper for the purpose of protecting any person or property. Any such dog shall be <br />further classified as a patrol dog or sentry dog. <br />a. Patrol dog: A dog that is trained or conditioned to attack or otherwise respond <br />aggressively, but only upon command from a handler either off or on lead. <br />b. Sentry dog: A dog that is trained or conditioned to attack or otherwise respond <br />aggressively without command. <br /> <br />(dd) Secure Enclosure: An enclosure from which an animal cannot escape by means of <br />digging under or jumping over the enclosure, or otherwise becoming free unless <br />freed by the owner or keeper. A motor vehicle shall not constitute a secure <br />enclosure. Minimum space and height requirements and other specifications for <br />secure enclosures shall be obtained from the Animal Services Director based on <br />breed, age, height, weight, temperament, and history of the animal. <br />(ee) Serious physical harm: Any physical injury that results in broken bones, disfiguring <br />lacerations, or requires cosmetic surgery or hospitalization. <br />(ff) Steel Jaw Trap: Spring-powered devices or traps which capture or hold an animal by <br />exerting a lateral force with fix mounted jaws on the leg, toe, paw, or any other part <br />of the animal's body. <br />(gg) Stray: Any domestic animal that is not under restraint or is not on the property of its <br />owner and is wandering at large, or is lost, or does not have an owner, or does not <br />bear evidence of the identification of any owner. <br />(hh) Suspected of Having Rabies: An animal which has bitten a person or another animal.