Orange County NC Website
Animal Control Ordinance <br />Adopted 1/21/2016 Unified Animal Control Ordinance Page 8 <br />Effective 3/1/2016 <br />(m) Domesticated Livestock: Livestock raised for the production of meat, milk, eggs, <br />fiber, or used for draft or equestrian purposes, including but not limited to cattle, <br />sheep, goats, swine, horses, mules, rabbits, and poultry. <br /> <br />(n) Educational Purposes: Teaching and instructing with the intent and effect of <br />imparting knowledge to others. <br /> <br />(o) Exotic animals: Exotic animals are animals other than domestic animals, farm <br />animals, and wild animals which are not native to North Carolina, or are native to <br />North Carolina but have been captive-bred. <br />(p) Exposed to Rabies: An animal has been exposed to rabies within the meaning of this <br />Ordinance if it has been bitten by, or otherwise come into contact with the saliva or <br />nervous tissue of a proven rabid animal or animal reasonably suspected of having <br />rabies that is not available for laboratory diagnosis. <br />(q) Harbor: An animal shall be deemed to be harbored if it is fed or sheltered by the <br />same person or household for 72 consecutive hours or more. <br />(r) Health Department: Orange County Health Department. <br />(s) Health Director: Director of the Orange County Health Department. <br />(t) Keeper: A person having custody of an animal or who keeps or harbors an animal or <br />who knowingly permits an animal to remain on or about any premises occupied or <br />controlled by such person, whether or not that person legally "owns" the animal. <br />Every person 18 years or older residing in the dwelling unit where a pet is harbored <br />and/or kept shall be deemed a keeper for purposes of this Ordinance. <br />(u) Leash-free Area: An area in a Town or County designated by the governing body of <br />said Town or County which permits an animal to go free from physical restraint. <br />Does not apply to animals deemed dangerous or potentially dangerous. <br />(v) Other Local Government Body (Bodies): The Towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill and <br />Hillsborough and those parts of the City of Durham located in Orange County. <br />(w) Owner: Any person who owns any animal and is responsible for its care, actions, and <br />behavior. <br />(x) Owner or Keeper’s Premises: Any real, owned or leased, property of the owner of an <br />animal; excluding any public right-of-way, or common area of a condominium, <br />apartment complex, or townhouse development. <br />(y) Person: Any individual, family, group of individuals, corporation, partnership, <br />organization, or institution recognized by law as a person. <br />(z) Physical Harm: Any injury which is serious enough to require immediate medical <br />attention.