Orange County NC Website
Animal Control Ordinance <br />Adopted 1/21/2016 Unified Animal Control Ordinance Page 31 <br />Effective 3/1/2016 <br />(6) All animals housed shall be provided with proper veterinary care to promote good <br />health. <br /> <br />(c) Owners or operators of class I kennels must apply to the Animal Services Director for <br />a Class 1 Kennel Permit and pay any designated privilege tax to receive a permit to <br />own or operate a noncommercial kennel in the county. <br /> <br />(d) Kennel facilities shall be subject to inspection during reasonable hours by the Animal <br />Control Officer upon his request. <br /> <br />(e) Failure to meet the standards set out in this section shall be grounds for the issuance <br />of a citation subjecting the owner to the penalties described in this article, and/or the <br />issuance of an abatement order to comply with the provisions of this article. <br /> <br />(f) Revocation. A permit issued in accordance with this section may be revoked by the <br />Administrator after notice and hearing, for any reason that would have justified denial <br />of the permit in the first instance or for violation of another section of the Chapter. If <br />the Administrator denies or revokes a permit in accordance with this section, the <br />owner or operator shall be notified of their right to appeal such decision in accordance <br />with Section 4-53. <br /> <br />(Ord. of 6-16-1987, § XIX(B), eff. 1-1-1988) <br /> <br />Sec. 4-72. - Class II kennels. <br />(a) In General. Any person maintaining any commercial establishment where animals of any <br />species excluding domesticated livestock, kept for the purpose of breeding, buying, <br />selling, grooming or boarding such animals or engaged in the training of dogs for guard <br />or sentry purposes, and which establishment is so constructed that the animals cannot <br />stray therefrom; or any person owning or keeping 20 or more animals, excluding <br />domesticated livestock, each of which is four months of age or older. <br /> <br />(b) Standards for a Class II Kennel. All commercial kennels shall, in addition to the other <br />requirements of this article including those for a 4-71 above, comply with the minimum <br />standards of this subsection. The premises of commercial kennels shall meet the <br />following standards: <br /> <br />(1) Buildings or enclosures must be provided which shall allow adequate protection <br />against extreme weather conditions. Floors of buildings, runs and walls shall be of <br />a nonporous material or otherwise constructed as to permit proper cleaning and <br />disinfecting. Temperatures in animal containments shall be maintained at a level <br />that is healthful for every species of animal in the containment. <br /> <br />(2) Cages, kennels or runs shall have sufficient space for each animal to sit, stand up, <br />lie down, turn around and stretch out to its full length without touching the sides <br />or tops of the cage, kennel or run. Cages, kennels and runs are to be of a material <br />and construction that permits cleaning and disinfecting, and shall have an