Orange County NC Website
Animal Control Ordinance <br />Adopted 1/21/2016 Unified Animal Control Ordinance Page 17 <br />Effective 3/1/2016 <br />Sec. 4-42. - Control of dangerous animals; security dogs. <br />(a) In General. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep any dangerous animal within <br />the County, unless under restraint the requirements set forth below in Section 4-42(d) <br />and on the premises of the owner or keeper. <br /> <br />(b) Dangerous Animal. Any animal, on or off the premises of its owner or keeper, which <br />is three (3) months of age or older and which: <br /> <br />(1) Without provocation has bitten, killed or caused physical harm through bite(s) to <br />a person; or <br /> <br />(2) Without provocation has attempted to bite a person or cause physical harm <br />through bite(s) to a person; or <br /> <br />(3) Without provocation has injured, maimed or killed a pet or domestic livestock, <br />except where such animal has bitten or killed a pet or domestic livestock that is on <br />the land of the attacking animal’s owner or keeper another without permission or <br />is defending a person; or <br /> <br />(4) Has been deemed potentially dangerous or dangerous in accordance with N.C. <br />Gen. Stat. Chapter 67, Article 1A. Dangerous Dog. <br /> <br />(c) Declaration of Dangerous Animal. <br /> <br />(1) Upon observation by an Animal Control or law enforcement officer or receipt of a <br />written complaint that an animal is behaving or has behaved dangerously and is at <br />large or is off the premises of its owner or keeper and is not restrained controlled <br />by a competent person, an Animal Control Officer may impound the animal and <br />investigate the complaint and, upon a finding that there is probable cause to <br />believe a violation of this Ordinance or other applicable law or regulation has <br />occurred, shall take any action allowed by this Ordinance or State law as the <br />circumstances may require. <br /> <br />(2) Any animal who, after investigation by an Animal Control officer, is found by the <br />Animal Services Director to have committed any act described in (b) above may, <br />in the Animal Services Director’s sole discretion, be declared dangerous and is <br />subject to this Section of the Ordinance. <br /> <br />(d) Effect of Declaration. <br /> <br />(1) Permitted Locations. A dangerous animal shall be permitted at the following <br />locations only: <br /> <br />(a) On the premises of the owner or keeper either confined indoors or in a secure <br />enclosure when outdoors; <br />