Orange County NC Website
Animal Control Ordinance <br /> reoccurrence within twenty-four (24) hours or such lesser time as <br /> the designated in the notice,the Owner shall be required to remove <br /> the animal from the County. <br /> (2) Failure to Abate a Violation. If the public nuisance has not been abated after the <br /> time indicated in the Abatement Order, then the Animal Service Director shall, <br /> notify the Owner or Keeper in writing that the animal may be impounded or a <br /> civil penalty may be issued and/or a criminal summons may be issued. <br /> (3) Animals Removed from County. The Owner or Keeper of any animal who has <br /> been required to remove the animal pursuant to this Section shall, within five (5) <br /> days after removal, inform the Administrator or designee in writing of the <br /> animal's present location, including the name, address and telephone number of <br /> the animal's Owner or Keeper. If the animal has been destroyed, the <br /> Administrator shall be informed of the name, address, and telephone number of <br /> the person who destroyed such animal. <br /> (4) Subsequent Violations. The Animal Services Director or designee may impound <br /> an animal if a third verified violation occurs within one year of any other <br /> previous violations of this Section. <br /> (5) Right of Appeal. An Owner or Keeper shall have a right to appeal a citation or <br /> removal of an animal under this Section in accordance with Section 4-53 of this <br /> Chapter. <br /> Sec. 4-46. - Rabies control. <br /> It shall be unlawful and a violation of this Ordinance for any animal Owner, Keeper or <br /> other person to fail to comply with the laws of North Carolina relating to the control of <br /> rabies. <br /> (ord qf6-16-19 1-4 d14. elf 1-1-58) <br /> Sec.4-47. - Rabies vaccination tag. <br /> All dogs shall wear a valid rabies vaccination tag. Cats and ferrets are not required to wear <br /> tags but the Owner or Keeper of such animal shall provide proof that the cat or ferret has been <br /> vaccinated against rabies. The Owner or Keeper of all animals required to be vaccinated <br /> against rabies shall provide proof of vaccination upon demand of a law enforcement or animal <br /> control officer if an animal required to be vaccinated is not wearing a rabies vaccination tag. <br /> Failure to produce proof of vaccination may result in such animal being impounded subject to <br /> redemption in the manner provided in this Chapter. Such proof being the certificate of <br /> vaccination from a licensed veterinarian or a certified rabies vaccinator. <br /> (Ord. nf6-16-1987,§AT ft.. elf:1-1-88.An mul. (f!l-_'-1996, e f: 14-97) <br /> Adopted 1/21/2016 Unified Animal Control Ordinance Page 25 <br /> Effective 3/1/2016 <br />