Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> <br />Orange County Animal Services <br />1601 Eubanks Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 <br />919-942-PETS (7387) <br /> <br />ANIMAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD (ASAB) <br /> <br />6:30 to 8:30 p.m. <br />Wednesday, January 31, 2018 <br /> <br />Meeting Summary <br /> <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Maureane Hoffman (Chair), Molly Mullin (Vice-Chair), Judy Miller, Warren Porter, Edmund <br />Tiryakian, Diane Obeid, Michelle Walker, Susan Elmore, and Victoria Hudson <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: Beth Grooms and Heather Payne <br />STAFF PRESENT: Bob Marotto (Animal Services Director) and Andi Morgan (Assistant Animal Services Director) <br />GUESTS PRESENT: Libby Habeck; Carol McCanna; Dr. Elliot Cramer with Friends of Orange County Animal Services; <br />Lara Katz and Isabella DeSantis with North Carolina Therapeutic Riding Center; and Alan Dow with Independent <br />Animal Rescue. <br />_____________________________________________________________________________________ <br /> <br />Call to order: 6:34pm <br /> <br />Review and adoption of the Agenda: Susan Elmore made a motion to approve the agenda; seconded by Judy <br />Miller. The motion carried without dissent. <br /> <br />Summary of November 15, 2017 meeting: Molly Mullin made a motion to approve the Summary; seconded by <br />Maureane Hoffman. The motion carried without dissent. <br /> <br />Review of public participation guidelines: Molly Mullin described the guidelines to the guests. <br /> <br />General Public Comments on items not on the agenda: Libby Habeck, of Hillsborough, wanted policy clarification <br />and increased enforcement on cats that roam at large. Her complaint included a description of the neighbor’s cat’s <br />activities that are a nuisance and ordinance provisions for microchipped cats. Carol McCanna spoke regarding same <br />pet owner that does not control her animals. She distributed a timeline of the nuisance observations. She requests <br />a stricter policy in the ordinance that restricts cats, including those that are microchipped. Susan Elmore made a <br />motion to put a review of this policy on a future meeting; seconded by Molly Mullin. The motion carried without <br />dissent. <br /> <br />Award the 2017 Pat Sanford Welfare Grant: Dr. Cramer addressed the ASAB about Pat Sanford and her legacy. <br />Awards were presented to the North Carolina Therapeutic Riding Center and Independent Animal Rescue. <br /> <br />Old Business: <br /> <br />(A) Free Roaming Cat Spay & Neuter Initiative: Bob Marotto and Maureane Hoffman visited again with the <br />Agricultural Preservation Board to update the progress of the barn cat project: 48 cats at three farms. Each <br />cat is spayed or neutered, tagged, microchipped, and licensed as part of the package. Animal Services staff <br />along with the ASAB Chair are meeting regularly with representatives of Independent Animal Resuce and <br />these meetings have been very productive and beneficial. <br />(B) Pets of the Homeless Task Force: Bob Marotto reported that efforts have resumed to put together <br />resources, services, and mapping with the various community partners. Meetings are tentative over the <br />next two months.