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20 <br /> <br />Commissioner McKee said the curb and gutter act like a collection system that is piped 1 <br />into disperser pads or retention ponds. 2 <br />Commissioner Price said this was not reflected in the PowerPoint, and will likely 3 <br />increase the projected costs. 4 <br />Commissioner Price said she liked to listen to Carrboro residents’ comments, and she 5 <br />would like to see more reduction of traffic on this road, as well as greater use of Park and Ride 6 <br />lots. 7 <br />Commissioner Rich referred to b-2 and c-2, and asked if there is only a sidewalk on one 8 <br />side of Highway 54. 9 <br />Nishith Trivedi said yes that is correct. 10 <br />Commissioner Rich asked if it is known how far one would have to walk to reach an 11 <br />intersection to cross the road to the sidewalk. 12 <br />Nishith Trivedi said each of these proposed intersections has a pedestrian crosswalk. 13 <br />Commissioner McKee asked if the intersections are signalized. 14 <br />Nishith Trivedi said most, but not all of them. 15 <br />Commissioner Rich referred to the OUTBoard comments, who want to see more 16 <br />coordination of all the transit partners, and asked if those discussions are included at the MPO 17 <br />and other meetings. 18 <br />Nishith Trivedi said yes. 19 <br />Commissioner Rich asked if public transit would stop at the Park and Ride lots. 20 <br />Nishith Trivedi said this would be recommended as part of the study. 21 <br /> 22 <br />b. GoTriangle Quarterly Update on Orange County Transit Plan Implementation 23 <br />The Board received a quarterly update from GoTriangle on the implementation of the 24 <br />Orange County Transit Plan including the status of the Durham-Orange Light Rail project as 25 <br />required by the Cost Share Agreement between Durham County, Orange County, and 26 <br />GoTriangle. 27 <br /> 28 <br />Travis Myren presented John Tallmadge, GoTriangle Regional Services Development 29 <br />Director, who will be presenting this item and the PowerPoint presentation, which can be found 30 <br />in the Commissioners’ packets. 31 <br />Travis Myren said John Tallmadge has a slide on the performance of the Article 43 32 <br />sales tax, but, additionally, Orange County will be publishing a sales tax tracker on the County 33 <br />website, so that residents can keep track. 34 <br /> 35 <br />BACKGROUND: 36 <br />On April 27, 2017, the Board of Orange County Commissioners adopted the Interlocal Cost 37 <br />Sharing Agreement for the Durham-Orange Light Rail Transit Project as well as the Orange 38 <br />County Transit Plan. The Cost Sharing Agreement requires GoTriangle to provide quarterly 39 <br />reports to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Durham County, Orange County, and the 40 <br />Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) when the 41 <br />project was approved to enter engineering. 42 <br /> 43 <br />This quarterly report will focus on the Go Forward program, the status of dedicated transit 44 <br />revenue collections, GoTriangle’s Short Range Transit Plan, and an update on the status of the 45 <br />Durham-Orange Light Rail Project. 46 <br /> 47 <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: 48