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19 <br /> <br />• It also understands future improvements will be needed as traffic continues increasing 1 <br />along the corridor. These improvements are anticipated over the next 20 years and 2 <br />beyond and in future SPOT processes as presented. 3 <br />• Transit may help address the increasing traffic. Coordination between the two current 4 <br />providers – PART and Chapel Hill Transit – along the corridor will need to be improved 5 <br />in the future. 6 <br />• Town acknowledges NCDOT does not fund Shared Use Paths due to its current bicycle 7 <br />and pedestrian policy as well as complete streets policy, even if it is NCDOT right-of-8 <br />way. This is something local jurisdictions must address. 9 <br /> 10 <br />OUTBoard Comments: 11 <br />• The OUTBoard opposes widening NC-54, based on the rationale: increase lanes results 12 <br />in more cars on the road, this escalates negative impacts on air quality and subsequent 13 <br />impacts on climate change. 14 <br />o Recommends making intersection improvements first. 15 <br />o Adding passing lanes second. 16 <br />• Provide a dedicated transit lane and improve transit services between all service 17 <br />providers along the corridor, this includes: 18 <br />o Better coordinated currently provided services by PART and Chapel Hill Transit. 19 <br />o Adding additional services by Go Triangle and Orange County Public Transit. 20 <br />o Include Bus Rapid Transit as a preferred recommendation to widening. 21 <br />• Incorporate recent advancements in Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) 22 <br />technologies at intersections. 23 <br /> 24 <br />Requested Action 25 <br />The Manager recommends to BOCC: 26 <br />• Receive the presentation (Attachment 1); 27 <br />• Discuss as appropriate; and 28 <br />• Identify any comments the Board may have for staff to convey to DCHC MPO. 29 <br /> 30 <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said Park and Ride lots were heavily discussed at the 31 <br />Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), but he does not see them strongly recommended 32 <br />here. He urged the Board of County Commissioners to make the Park and Ride lots a priority. 33 <br />He said there is a UNC facility on Hwy 54, with a lot of land around it, and suggesting work ing 34 <br />with them. He said it could be a gravel lot, and does not need to be fancy. 35 <br />Commissioner Marcoplos referred to the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) idea, and said, if it is 36 <br />going to be done, it should be done soon since a lot of transit projects are planned for the 37 <br />future, but are almost too little too late once finally completed. 38 <br />Commissioner McKee endorsed Commissioner Marcoplos comments, and said the key 39 <br />is to get ahead of the curve, as growth will only increase. 40 <br />Commissioner Price agreed with Commissioner Marcoplos and Commissioner McKee. 41 <br />She asked if bikes will be included in this plan. 42 <br />Nishith Trivedi said yes. 43 <br />Commissioner Price asked if there is a plan for stormwater. 44 <br /> Craig Benedict said if there is curb and gutter, it is piped to areas where there are 45 <br />existing streams. He said before it is released into a stream, stormwater devices must be put 46 <br />in. He said it is a major engineering endeavor, and would greatly increase the project cost. 47 <br /> Commissioner Price clarified that the numbers presented do not include these costs. 48 <br /> Craig Benedict said the numbers probably include a middle of the road cost estimate, 49 <br />and real costs will likely be higher. 50