Agenda - 11-13-2018 6-d - Orange County’s Recommendations Regarding Items Proposed for Inclusion in the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners’ (NCACC) 2019-2020 Federal Legislative Agenda
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-13-2018 Regular Meeting
Agenda - 11-13-2018 6-d - Orange County’s Recommendations Regarding Items Proposed for Inclusion in the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners’ (NCACC) 2019-2020 Federal Legislative Agenda
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11/8/2018 2:05:12 PM
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11/8/2018 2:06:21 PM
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1 <br />2018 (FY19) FEDERAL PRIORITIES FOR NC COUNTIES: A Quick Guide to Our Issues <br />Go to for more information. <br />Support Remote Sales Tax CollectionͶNorth Carolina and its counties lose an estimated$200-$350 million <br />annually in sales taxthroughuntaxed remote sales.Collectingremote sales taxes is neither a new taxnoratax <br />increaseͶthese revenues are already dueand payable by law.Donot weaken or overturn the Supreme Court <br />decision. <br />Support Funding and Legislation to Expand High-Speed Broadband AccessͶAdequate digital infrastructure is <br />essential for education,economic development,health care and social services;however,many portionsof NC <br />counties still donot have internet access.NC counties urge Congressto provide digital infrastructure funding <br />and adopt legislation that clarifies FCC definitions for speed thresholds and unserved areas. <br />Support Funding for Payment In Lieu ofTaxes,Agricultural,Workforce,Economic Development and <br />InfrastructurePrograms,Including School Construction and Education Capital,that Help Counties Meet <br />Public NeedsͶFunding for programs that maintain partnerships between federal andcounty governmentsin <br />meeting demandforpublic services should remain a priority forCongress.Inboth rural andurban areas,NC <br />counties rely on federal-local partnershipstosupport community and economic development,andpublic <br />infrastructure. <br />Support the SteppingUp Initiative to Reduce the Numberof People with Mental Illness in County JailsͶIn <br />North Carolina,almost 13%of the prisonpopulation requires some type of intervention dueto behavioral <br />health issues.Without appropriate treatment and services,people with mental illnesses cancontinueto cycle <br />through the criminal justice system.Legislation and federal funding are needed topromote the Stepping Up <br />Initiative to help counties develop and efforts to reduce the numberof people with mental illness in county <br />jails. <br />Support Funding for Behavioral Health Programs and Services to Address the Opioid and Substance Abuse <br />EpidemicͶThe United States is in the midst ofanunprecedentedopioidandsubstanceabuse epidemic.NC <br />counties are on the front lines of this battle working with the state to develop andfundsubstanceabuseand <br />overdose inhibition programs, but progress is limited without consistent funding and support from Congress. <br />Support Funds for Health,Human and Economic ServicesPrograms Including Temporary Assistance for <br />Needy Families,Federal Block Grants,and Food and Nutrition ServicesͶCounties are the first responders <br />providing services to the public locally and,in particular,ournation͛s vulnerable populations.Since many of <br />these services are mandatedby federal law the federal government provides fundingto assist states and <br />counties in meeting local demandsͶthis funding should be protected in upcoming budgets. <br />Oppose Unfunded Mandates to CountiesͶReductions in federal deficits shouldnot beaccomplished by <br />shifting coststo counties,imposing unfundedmandates.NC counties also opposeany legislative or regulatory <br />initiatives that undermine local government decision making authority or pre-empt county programs and <br />taxing authority.Work to have H.R.50,the UnfundedMandatesandInformationand Transparency Act, <br />introduced by Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (NC-5), signed into law. <br />Attachment3 <br />Note:ResolvedbySupremeCourtDecision <br />9
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