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Memorandum of Agreement <br />Triangle Water Supply Partnership <br />August 7, 2018 Page 11 of 35 <br />c) 5-Year Project and Funding Plan: Each year the Partnership will develop a 5-Year <br />Project and Funding Plan including a current-year Annual Budget. The 5-Year <br />Project and Funding Plan will include the associated dues contribution schedule <br />required to provide funds to support Partnership Management and regular and <br />ongoing projects, as well as to accumulate money reserved for Projects that may <br />require several years of accumulated funds to accomplish, and to maintain a <br />minimum balance of approximately $50,000 in the Partnership Operating Fund. <br />Exhibit 1, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, contains the <br />Partnership’s initial 5-Year Project and Funding Plan. <br />d) Cost-Shared Funding: Participants should give special consideration to projects <br />that can take advantage of cost-shared funding from outside partners to leverage <br />the Partnership Operating Fund’s budgets. <br />e) Project Financial Restrictions: The Partnership does not intend to take on debt or <br />financial liabilities. Projects will be funded only to levels that do not exceed the <br />Dues collected in any year plus money from previous year collections reserved for <br />Projects that may require several years of accumulated funds to accomplish. <br />Multi-year Project contracts will include a per-year not-to exceed requirement that <br />is consistent with the portion of the existing Partnership Operating Fund set aside <br />for that Project. <br />13) Project Management: <br />a) Distribution of Funds - Any Participant may serve as the Project Lead Agency for <br />any Project. The Partnership may fund Projects by authorizing the Fiscal Agent to <br />make grants to the Project Lead Agency in installments, lump sum, or as may be <br />appropriate for the Project. <br />b) Project Manager (PM) – A PM will be approved for each Small or Large Project <br />by Simple Majority Vote. A PM will be approved for each Special Project PM by <br />affirmative vote of all participants in that Special Project. PM approval will be <br />based on such factors as interest, capability, geographical location relative to the <br />Project, size of the effort, and providing project management opportunities to all <br />Participants. The PM will provide opportunities for the Participants to shape the <br />scope of work, seek advice and counsel on proposals received and vendor <br />selection, and provide regular status reports to the Participants. <br />c) At a minimum, Project contracts shall include: <br />i) A detailed scope of work statement <br />ii) Schedules for completion of work and disbursement of funds <br />iii) Funding requirement necessary and available to complete the scope of work <br />iv) A per-year not-to-exceed requirement that is consistent with the portion of the <br />existing Partnership Operating Fund appropriated to that project for the <br />current year <br />15