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Memorandum of Agreement <br />Triangle Water Supply Partnership <br />August 7, 2018 Page 10 of 35 <br />vi) Providing periodic reports and status updates to Participants. <br />b) Projects: <br />i) Small Projects: An amount will be budgeted annually to be used for any Small <br />Projects that may come up during the year; this may include individual <br />technical projects that support the mission of the Partnership, outreach, <br />regulatory or legislative assessments, or data summaries, for example. <br />ii) Large Projects: Once approved and created as a Large Project by the <br />Partnership, all anticipated costs for a Large Project shall be included and <br />accounted for in the 5-Year Project and Funding Plan (Exhibit 1) as an <br />individual line item. <br />iii) Special Projects: The Participants may seek additional opportunities to <br />cooperate on mutually beneficial planning and capital projects related to water <br />supply resources in the Triangle Region. Participation in a Special Project is at <br />the discretion of each Participant. Such projects are created and defined as <br />described in paragraph 12 below. Once created, Special Projects are included <br />as individual line items in the 5-Year Project and Funding Plan (Exhibit 1). <br />12) Project and Budget Determination: <br />a) Project Development: Votes to create any Project will include approval of a <br />Project Lead Agency, Project Scope, Project Schedule, Project Budget, list of <br />Participants (for Special Projects), and any other information needed to define the <br />Project. <br />i) If any single Project under consideration would be anticipated to increase any <br />Member’s Annual Dues in a single year by an amount equal or greater than <br />the Member’s projected Annual Dues in any year of the current 5-Year Project <br />and Funding Plan, then upon request of that Member, the Project will be <br />considered a Special Project and as such must be created per Paragraph 12 (a) <br />(iii) below. <br />ii) Small Projects and Large Projects will be created and approved, and can be <br />modified, upon Simple Majority Vote. Participants’ Cost Shares will be as <br />defined or amended per Paragraph 14 for Annual Dues. <br />iii) Each Special Project will be created and approved by affirmative vote of all <br />Participants who choose to participate in that Special Project. Participants’ <br />Cost Shares will be as defined and approved by the Participants in the Special <br />Project. Modification of a Special Project scope or budget also requires <br />affirmative vote of all Participants in that Special Project. Other Special <br />Project decisions may be made by Special Project Consensus vote. <br />b) Project Recommendations: Project recommendations may be submitted by <br />individual Participants or solicited from interested third parties. Third parties may <br />also present Project recommendations to the Partnership for consideration. <br />14