Agenda - 11-13-2018 4-a - Resolution Retiring Canine Lacey and Transferring Her to Former K9 Handler
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-13-2018 Regular Meeting
Agenda - 11-13-2018 4-a - Resolution Retiring Canine Lacey and Transferring Her to Former K9 Handler
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11/8/2018 2:05:43 PM
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11/8/2018 2:06:19 PM
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Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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RES-2018-070 Resolution retiring K-9 Lacey
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RES-2018-070 <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />RESOLUTION RETIRING CANINE LACEY <br />AND TRANSFERRING HER TO FORMER K9 HANDLER CPL MALCOLM HESTER <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office shall retire police canine Lacey, a bloodhound <br />previously used for conducting searches, rescues, and tracking, effective November 13, 2018; and <br />WHEREAS, Lacey is personal property of the County and is no longer of use or value to Orange <br />County and the Sheriff’s Office from this date forth; and <br />WHEREAS, Malcolm Hester, previously with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, bonded with and <br />worked with the canine from the time of her acquisition as a puppy in February 2015; and <br />WHEREAS, Malcolm Hester is willing and able to provide immediate care for Lacey; and <br />WHEREAS, Malcolm Hester will adopt and take full responsibility for Lacey until such time as the <br />canine is no longer living, relieving Orange County and the Orange County Sheriff’s Office of all <br />obligations and responsibilities of the canine in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution; and <br />WHEREAS, Malcolm Hester is not being coerced, forced, or inappropriately encouraged by Orange <br />County or the Orange County Sheriff’s Office to adopt this canine; and <br />WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statutes §§ 153A-176, 160A-265, 160A-266 authorize the <br />County to dispose of any personal property belonging to it according to the procedures described in <br />Chapter 160A, Article 12. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: <br />1. Malcolm Hester shall assume full care and responsibility of the canine, including but not limited <br />to: <br />a. Providing adequate food, water, and shelter to the canine for the duration of its life; <br />b. Providing the canine with adequate health care, including but not limited to <br />vaccinations, medication, and all other medical necessities as needed or as required by <br />Orange County’s animal control requirements; and <br /> <br />2. Malcolm Hester shall assume all liability that may result from the canine’s actions, including but <br />not limited to those actions and behaviors learned as a result of the canine’s special training <br />provided by the Orange County Sheriff’s Office; and <br /> <br />3. Malcolm Hester shall not purposefully, negligently, or knowingly use the canine’s special skill <br />set developed as a result of its career as a police canine either for profit, personal gain, or in any <br />capacity, whether this capacity would put others in danger or not; and <br /> <br />4. Malcolm Hester shall release Orange County and the Orange County Sheriff’s Office from <br />liability from any sickness or health deficiencies that resulted from the canine’s work with the <br />Orange County Sheriff’s Office; and <br /> <br />2
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