Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> (Itcv In/2ooa1 CONTRACT TO AUDIT ACCOUNTS <br />Pile in Triplicate. <br />of Orange Counri. North Carolina <br />Govcmmental Unit <br />On this 8th day ot` April, 200>, Cherry, Bekazrt & Holland, L L P, 2626 Glemvood Avenue, Suite 300. Raleigh, North Carolina 28608, <br />hereinafter referred to as the Auditor, and the County Commissioners of Orange County, North Carolina. hereinafter referred to as the <br />Govemmental Unit_ agree as follows: <br />L The Auditor shall audit all statements and disclosures required by eenerally accepted accounting principles and additional required <br />legal statements and disclosures of all funds and/or divisions of the Govemmental Unit for the period beginning July I, 2004 and <br />ending June 30, 2005 The combining, individual fund, and account group financial statements and schedules shall be subjected to <br />the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the combined financial statements and an opinion will bz rendered in relation to the <br />combined financial statements taken as a whole. <br />2. At a minimum, the Auditor shall conduct his audit and render his report in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. <br />The auditor shall perform the audit in accordance with Government Auditine Standards if required by the State Single Audit <br />Implementation Act, as codified in G S. 159-34. If required by OMB Circular A-133 and the State Single Audit Implementation Act, <br />the auditor shall perform a Single Audit, <br />3. This contact contemplates an :mqua[ified opinion being rendered If financial statements are not prepared in accordance with <br />generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), or the statements fail to inctudz all disclosures required by GAAP, explain that <br />departure from GAAP in the space below; <br />None <br />4. This cauroct contemplates on unqualified opiniav being rendered. The audit shall includz such tests of the accounting records and <br />such other auditing procedures as are considered by [he Auditor to be necessary in the circumstances .Any limitations or restrictions <br />in scope which would lead m a qualification slrmrld tie ju!!y explained in ar attachment m 1Gis cauract. The audit will have no <br />scope limitations except: <br />N/A <br />5. 1f this audit engagement is subject to the standards for audit as defined in the Government Auditine Standards, issued by the <br />Comptroller General of the United States, then the Auditor warrants by accepting this engagement that he/she has met the <br />requirements For a peer review and continuing education as specified in the Government Auditine Standards. The Auditor agrees to <br />provide a copy of their most recent peer review report to the Govemmental Unit and the Secretary of the Local Govemment <br />Commission rp for to the execution of the audit contract. (See Item 20 ) <br />6. 1t is agreed that time is of the essence in this contract All audits are to be performed and the report of audit submitted by <br />Octobzr 31.2005. <br />7. It is agreed that generally accepted auditing standards include a review of the Governmental Unit's system of internal control and <br />accounting as same relates to accountability of funds and adherence to budget and law requirements applicable thereto; that the <br />Auditor will make a written report, which may or may not be a part of the written report of audit, to the Governing Board setting <br />forth his findings, together with his recommendations for improvement. That written report must include all matters defined as <br />"reportable conditions" in AU 325 of the AICPA Professional Standards. The ,4uditor shall file a co of that re ort with the <br />Secreta of the Local Govemment Commission. <br />8 All local government and public authority contracts for annual or special audits. bookkeeping or other assistance necessary to <br />prepare the Unit's records for audit, financial statement preparation, any finance-related investigations, or any other audit-related <br />work in the Statz of North Carolina require the approval of the Secretary of the Local Govemment Commission. Invoices for <br />services rendered under these contracts shall not be aid b [he Govemmental Unit until the invoice has been a roved by the <br />Secretary ol'the Local Government Commission (This also includes any nroeress billines.) All invoices should be submitted in <br />triplicate to the Secretary of the Local Govemment Commission. The original and onz copy will be returned to the Auditor <br />Approval is not required on contracts and invoices for system improvements and similar serviczs of anon-auditing nature <br />9. In considzration of the satisfactory performance of the provisions of this agreement. [he Govermnental Unit shall pay to the Auditor, <br />upon approval by the Szeretary of the Local Oovernmznt Commission, the followine tee which includes any cos[ thz Auditor may <br />incur from work paper or peer reviews or any other quality assurance program required by third parties (Federal and Statz grantor <br />and oversieht agencizs or other organizations) as required under the Federal and State Single Audit Acts: <br />