Item 6-c - Triangle Water Supply Partnership Memorandum of Agreement
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Agenda - 11-13-2018
Item 6-c - Triangle Water Supply Partnership Memorandum of Agreement
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11/8/2018 2:05:20 PM
Creation date
11/8/2018 1:40:14 PM
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Agenda - 11-13-2018 Regular Board Meeting
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Memorandum of Agreement <br />Triangle Water Supply Partnership <br />August 7, 2018 Page 2 of 35 <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the benefits of such planning and collaborative efforts include: <br />• Improved cooperation between local water utilities and ease of regulatory <br />oversight; <br />• Reduced unit costs for projects through economies of scale; <br />• Increased flexibility and reliability of local water supplies, especially during <br />droughts and other dynamic events; <br />• Enhanced ability to comply with federal and state drinking water standards; <br />• Sustainable use of regional drinking water resources; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement will maintain local ownership and control of <br />their water resources, but are committing in this document to collaborate about water <br />supply planning, cooperation, sustainability, and helping each other through drought or <br />other emergency events and moving toward a more sustainable future; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, this Agreement is authorized by North Carolina General Statute (NCGS) <br />143-355.8 and/or 160A-20.1. <br /> <br />THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the signatories to this Agreement (“Participants” <br />or “Parties”) pledge to work together as part of a Triangle Water Supply Partnership <br />(“Partnership”), as a regional water supply planning organization as authorized by NCGS <br />143-355.8; and, <br /> <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the individual units named as Participants will <br />collaborate through the Partnership for regional water supply planning, to plan, maintain, <br />implement and otherwise cooperate in providing long-term, sustainable, safe and secure <br />regional water supplies for the Triangle Region; and, <br /> <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Partnership will be guided by the principles of <br />collaboration, sustainable water supply, environmental stewardship, mutual and <br />collective benefit, shared responsibility, equal representation, and financial stability, but <br />such collaboration is not intended and shall not be deemed to constitute a “partnership” as <br />defined in NCGS Chapter 59. <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the recitals and the mutual promises <br />and covenants contained in this Agreement, the parties agree as follows: <br /> <br />1) Purpose; Recitals: The purpose of this Agreement is to collaborate in various <br />activities related to a regional partnership for water supply. The Recitals are true and <br />are incorporated into this Agreement and further explain the Purpose. <br />2) Definitions: In addition to the following defined terms, additional terms are defined <br />elsewhere in this Agreement. <br />a) Annual Budget – means the Annual Budget adopted with the 5-Year Project and <br />Funding Plan. <br />6
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