Item 6-a - Interlocal Agreement for the Provision of Solid Waste and Recycling Programs and Services
BOCC Archives
Agenda - 11-13-2018
Item 6-a - Interlocal Agreement for the Provision of Solid Waste and Recycling Programs and Services
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Last modified
11/8/2018 2:05:36 PM
Creation date
11/8/2018 1:39:13 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Agenda - 11-13-2018 Regular Board Meeting
\BOCC Archives\Agendas\Agendas\2018\Agenda - 11-13-2018
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<br />Page 2 of 15 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />1. TERM AND TERMINATION <br /> <br />This Agreement will become effective upon execution by each Town and the County and <br />remain in effect until either (i) terminated by written agreement of the Parties, or (ii) two or <br />more of the Parties withdraw. Any Party may withdraw upon giving all other Parties a 12 <br />month written notice of its intent to withdraw. Upon the effective date of withdrawal, the <br />withdrawing Party shall pay to the County an amount (i.e., “Termination Amount”) equal to <br />the number of billed units within the withdrawing Party’s jurisdiction multiplied by the annual <br />Solid Waste Programs Fee in effect on the effective date of withdrawal. Each Party’s <br />Termination Amount shall be calculated by the County based upon the number of billed <br />units in each Party’s jurisdiction based on the most current data maintained by the Orange <br />County Solid Waste Department. A table indicating each Party’s number of units billed the <br />Solid Waste Programs Fee as of the effective date of this Agreement is attached as <br />Appendix A and shall be updated by the County on an annual basis. If the County is the <br />withdrawing Party, the County shall be responsible for the full amount of debt owed or <br />incurred by the County’s solid waste enterprise fund and a Termination Amount for each <br />municipality that is equivalent to that municipality’s Termination Amount as calculated <br />above. The County shall directly pay each municipality this Termination Amount upon the <br />County’s effective date of withdrawal. The County will, upon request or notice of a <br />termination of or withdrawal from this Agreement, revise Appendix A to reflect the then <br />current data. <br /> <br />2. GOVERNANCE <br /> <br />A. The County is responsible for financing (including rate setting within the guidelines of this <br />agreement), management and regulation of existing countywide solid waste facilities and <br />programs as well as coordinating recycling, reuse and waste reduction services among the <br />Towns and providing Services to unincorporated areas of the County. Because the County <br />has a significant impact on the overall efficiency and effectiveness of solid waste <br />management within the County, it shall seek the collaboration and assistance of the parties <br />to this agreement including as appropriate UNC Health Care and UNC – Chapel Hill. See <br />Appendix C illustrating the process for changes to solid waste program fees and significant <br />changes to solid waste recycling Services, Programs, and Facilities. <br /> <br />B. The Board of Orange County Commissioners approved at their June 3, 2014, meeting the <br />creation of the Solid Waste Advisory Group (SWAG). The SWAG is a multijurisdictional task <br />force created to articulate, investigate and propose collaborative solutions for solid waste <br />issues confronting Orange County; the towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Hillsborough; <br />UNC-Chapel Hill; and UNC-Healthcare. <br /> <br />The charge to the SWAG at the outset was to define the nature, scope, and timing of the <br />solid waste issues to be considered, including but not limited to: <br />1. an inter-local agreement on solid waste; <br />2. reducing solid waste that is not recycled; <br />3. recycling opportunities and services; <br />4. siting a transfer station or landfill within the county; <br />6
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